Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blind as a?

Last week I took Coren to the doctor where they informed me that he had terrible eye sight and needed glasses. I was so confused. Last time we were there he had 20/20 and now he is blind? Deaf I would have believed, but blind. I immediately started to panic. I mean the worlds wildest child with glasses, this would be a disaster! I called the eye doctor and got him in the very next day.

Coren cried the whole way there, because he DID NOT want glasses!!! Once we arrived and were waiting for our appointment, the ladies had him try some on. Well, he was into them. Carson thought Coren looked SO cute, and I discussed insurance option with the nurse. After all, if Coren had glasses, they would be breaking a lot.
The doctor took us back and did a full exam. He was so confused because Coren had 20/20 vision. I was so relieved! Coren was so mad. He started to cry because he WANTED glasses. Kids!
Carson tried to make Coren feel better. He said, "Coren look at these pictures around here. The people that have glasses look so sad, and the ones that don't have glasses look so happy!"

I am just so glad the kid can see. I admit, he did look kind of cute in the glasses though!


Clint and Shari said...

That Coren is a cutie patootie!! And what a sweetheart Carson is:)

love bug momma said...

that's such a pain that they made you run around for nothing! they both look super cute in glasses thou!