Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well the kids are all officially in school and I must admit that while all of this free time has been nice, I am also a little lost without them. We had the best summer ever and I miss doing fun things with them every day!

I miss sleeping in and then making big choices like if we wanted to swim, or go to lunch, or shopping, or to movies. It is sad not hearing them laughing all of the time.

BUT, with that being said, it is nice having some time to myself. I was recently told that kids, "are supposed to grow up" and you know what, that is true! I guess I would be in an even worse place if my kids weren't progressing! It brings me great joy to see how excited they are to go to school each day. They can't wait! They love their teacher, their friends, and even their work! The are learning so much. And, it is good for me to let them go and gain some independence. I think I will enjoy my time alone more and more.

The thing that makes me the most lost is that I feel like they are growing up too fast and then what? I don't want to be some old wrinkly woman sitting in my rocking chair knitting something telling stories about when my kids were little to my Great Grandkids! I mean I guess it wouldn't be SO bad, but it just means that life DOES go too fast!

So for now the kids are off at school having great days, the house is quiet, and there is laundry to be done! Time to party!


Taylor Family said...

I have anxiety about the same thing. I DON'T WANT TO GET OLD! Life seriously is going way too fast lately.