Monday, November 8, 2010

The Boot!

From *

I am not a happy person! Not only have I been in pain for the last few months, but now that I have figured out the problem I am in this stupid boot thing and I can't run for about 6 weeks.

About 3 months ago my leg started KILLING me. I figured it was just a strained muscle and went about life. Every so often it would get so bad that I would have to rest the leg for a few days, but then I would start to run again and it was do-able. It hurt, but I have had so many running injuries that I could just run through and eventually they would just go away. Sometimes I would think it was a bone problem because the bone would throb in pain, but I was in tons of denial because I didn't want it to be a bone issue.

One night last week I was laying in bed and I was in SO much pain I couldn't even hold still. I was just rolling around trying not to scream. Steve woke up and was like, "what in the heck are you doing?" So he turned on the lights and started to look at it and thought it was a broken bone or something. he tried to wrap it in this stupid thing but I refused and promised to go to the doctor the next day.

The doctor was amazing. Except when he started pushing on the leg where it hurt and I literally jumped almost off the table and screamed. He told me that he needed to do x-rays because he thought it was a stress fracture. he said, "If we can't see it on the x-ray we are in good shape, if we can it is going to be a long road."

I was so mad when he said, "Come and look at your x-ray... see that crack right there?" Then he said, "You choose cast or boot. I feel like I can't trust you with the boot. Can I trust you?" I knew what he meant. Even right now I am so tempted to take the boot off and run even just a mile. But I can't.

So I am out for at least 4 weeks. Most likely 6. I am supposed to do physical therapy, but I am kind of lazy with that, so we will see. In the meantime I am just pouting around and hoping that I can get this thing better. I have some huge races in the spring.

Oh and by the way, I got home with this cast and my RUDE husband (who was waiting in the garage for me with a big old smile) started to laugh uncontrollably! It was like it was the funniest thing he had ever seen in his life. He said, "it is only funny because you care so much. I would feel bad for anyone else!" Very. Very. Rude.

I hope I make it through this, it REALLY sucks!


love bug momma said...

Oh Shoot! Craig told me you were broken! It's rainy...does that make it any better? :<

Mandy said...

What? Oh no Brandi. I am so sorry, I feel for you. I totally do. Luckily it's through the winter and you can chill for a bit. Too yucky out to go for a run anyway.

What am I saying...I'd be totally annoyed too!

Clint and Shari said...

What? I'm so sorry Brandi. Guess you're just going to be lore lazy like me :)Good Luck!

dennisandsong said...

That is awful. I bet 6 weeks seems like forever!! You need more calcium!!! How could this happen??? See you THANKSGIVING!!

Taylor Family said...

OH NO! I am so sorry!