Thursday, November 18, 2010

Honk Honk!

I did the dumbest most embarrassing thing last week and I think I am ready to come clean about it. This is one of those moments that you just have to laugh, or look back and laugh, because it was pretty bad. Don't judge... here goes.

It happened last Friday. Friday morning I got a phone call from from my really upset sister. She told me about how the doctor had broken the news about my Mom and the spots on her brain. I was in shock. I held it together for a minute but then when I called Steve to come home I just started crying. My eyes got pretty blurry, but I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door.

So off I go in my car. This stupid boot on my foot that makes driving SO hard and vision that was questionable. Don't worry I wore my seatbelt.

As I am driving down 12600 South, all of the sudden I hear someone honking. It was obvious that they were honking at me because it was so loud. I was already really tense but I tried to calm down so that I could figure out what I had done to make someone so mad. I couldn't think of anything. The honking continued. I was getting a little bugged; I totally understand giving a little honk when you are irritated but to just lay on the horn?!? For so long?!? At this point they had been honking for about 30 seconds. Yes, thirty seconds!

A light turned red and I stopped. I started to look at the people around me so that I could figure out who was honking. I would look at people and shake my head and give them my "what the hell?" look. They would give a similar look back to me.

The honking went on. SO LOUD, and just constant.

Finally the light turned green. As I went to drive I moved my hand a little bit and it stopped. The honking was gone!! Things went quiet in my head. My little wheels that had apparently stopped for a while started spinning again. It was then that I realized I was the honker.

If I had to give you an estimate, I would say that realistically I was honking for well over a minute.

Did I look around, NO! Did I laugh, NO! Did I feel like the dumbest blond in the entire world, NO... but I do now!


Taylor Family said...

HAHA!! LOVE IT! I love how you can laugh at yourself.