Thursday, July 23, 2009


Sorry to have disappointed you all with my boring posts lately!
I was just told that my blog has lost it's flare.  That what was once kind of funny, is now just full of pictures of my life and my kids and it's just not the same.  So, in honor of Mr. Boredom I tell the following story, of the day I was almost killed by a wild fox.  Man, paybacks suck!

True story!  Every bit of it!
It all took place on a beautiful evening canyon run.  The run up was great.  On the run down, I was pretty sure I was going to die.  I was having these really bad pains in my stomach, I couldn't breath, and I was pretty sure I was going to puke.  It sucked, but I was dealing with it.

The cool thing about running a canyon is the wildlife, well sometimes.  Me and my trusty running partner see deer running, donkeys kickin' their heals, and lots of squashed animals along the road.  Ah, nature!

It was dark, which was a little creepy.  Suddenly I hear this noise.  Something was after me.  I think it liked my smell ha ha ha.  At first I thought that it was a dog.  But it was too big for a dog, at least too loud for a dog.  I was thinking maybe a cougar, or even a dinosaur.  It was freaky!  Then it started to rattle a chain link fence.  I think it was stuck in it.  Suddenly I realized it was a big old FOX!  I started to freak out and scream.  Luckily I was with a guy, right?  I froze, and he just ran on!  Scared and peeing his pants!  I started yelling, "Don't leave me!!"  This thing was obviously hungry and wanted a piece of me!  My only weapon was my IPOD, and it just wasn't going to cut it.  

Luckily the brave running partner decided to come back for me, and I lived to tell the tell.  I have tried so hard to explain this scary creature to people so that they could see why I was so scared.  Fortunately I found a picture of it, and have it here for the world to see.
(I know, I am SO lucky to be alive right now!)
He nearly killed me.  I could have lost my left butt cheek, or even worse, the right one.  He might have even bit me and just hung there while I finished out the run bouncing around like a giant ponytail hanging off of my shorts.  

Last night while running this same canyon we happened upon a HUGE hole in the fence that was caused by this wild beast.  I can only imagine the damage this fox could have done to me!!  I will now run with a water bottle in one hand and a gun in the other.  I need to protect us somehow!

The other side of the story here.


Laurie N' Craig said...

Ohh Really Brandi.. how convient of you... this will NOT stand.

Clint and Shari said...

I loved reading the two different sides of the story!! Too funny! You are very lucky to be alive:) You would think Craig would be enough of a scare to foxes!!!!!!

amelia said...

you are WAY too funny!
you blew boring out of the water with that humorous tale :)