Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Castle with a drawbridge

Steve was SO excited to find out that Makenna had to make a castle with a working drawbridge. His brain went crazy, way too crazy, and I think it was a little overboard... but MANY hours later, we had ourselves a pretty sweet castle.

They ignored my advice of making it out of a shoebox, and they made this thing out of really heavy duty wood. The brick were made out of these nasty cracker things, which was a mess, and the towers were pringles cans covered in popsickle sticks. Then there was the drawbridge. This thing had a spring on it and everything. It was pretty fancy.
From 2011

From 2011

From 2011

From 2011

From 2011

From 2011

She took it to school and the teacher was so impressed that she gave her extra points and asked if she could keep it to show to the class next year. Makenna was so excited, but she was ten times as excited as her. Sad but true! I asked Makenna what the other kids made theirs out of and she said Lego's and shoeboxes. It made me laugh. Really ours took HOURS, especially the drawbridge that had to work just perfectly!


Clint and Shari said...

Next class project I sending Tanner to your house:) Tell Steve thanks in advance we'll really appreciate him!

Good Job Makenna!!!