Monday, January 10, 2011


Makenna is doing a really fun unit at school right now on the mid-evil times. I love how her school is because instead of just reading the information, they do everything really interactive. The learned about the different status's of people during that time such as a Pheasant or a King. They started at the lowest status and were actually tied to their desks. As they did different projects and earned points they were able to move up in the world. They learned about the different foods in that time, the amour they wore, and all about different castles. She made two castles. The first was a "keep." This is a small castle. She could tell you all about it, I can't really. I called it the Rapunzel Castle. We made ours out of a cup covered in salt dough. At first she was putting the dough on, but I stepped in. I can't keep my hands off these projects sometimes. Steve came in and told me to let her do it, because it was her project. So I stepped aside. A few minutes later I walk in and there he is working on it. I nearly died of laughter. And Makenna being the smart girl she is just kept him distracted while he finished the whole thing. Crazy girl.
It turned out really good.
From 2011

From 2011

From 2011

From 2011