Sunday, January 3, 2010

What a lucky guy!

I know that this may seem a little weird, but I wanted to start off the new year letting Steve know how lucky he is to have me!  Usually women say how grateful they are for their husbands, but that just isn't the way I roll... plus, I do SO many great things that this should make for an excellent post!

Let me start by saying how exciting I make life.  Never a dull moment when I am around.  You never know from one second to the next what you are going to get.  Happy one minute, mad the next, laughing then yelling... and the list goes on and on.  Overall I am the most exciting wife ever, with frequent outbursts of excitement and spasticness.  It is a wonder he can even contain himself!

I am also an amazing shopper.  I always come home with the cutest stuff for me to wear.  I think he loves it!!  In fact, I am going to make it my New Years Resolution to shop more.  He always says things like, "Wow, another shirt.  I can see why you needed that!?!"  So he sees it.  He also tells me that I have a shoe addiction.  I am aware of it and so happy that he supports it.  I think that this year I will buy even more shoes.  Then he will see what addiction really is.  Deep down he loves me buying shoes.  I love it too!

I am a great driver (except that last garbage can incident) and I always give him the best driving advice.  Honestly, he wouldn't make it anywhere without me.  I am a constant reminder of how he should drive, and if I am really passionate about something I scream and jump.  He loves it!  So much!

I am a great cook!  I make a mean bowl of cereal.  I think he is grateful to me for helping to keep the families weight under control by not cooking TOO much.  However when I do cook, it is the best food he has ever had.  He especially loves the leftovers!

He was so excited to run with me this last year.  He was so happy to be forced to run a marathon and loved every training run he did with me.  He really liked it when I would run in front of him.  He liked me to yell at him telling him to get his butt in gear, and he liked crossing the finish line of one of our halves right before me after I waited for him the whole race!!!  He laughed at me when I got mad at him for it.  In the end I didn't care, and that is why he is so lucky to have me.  

I love to talk.  He says I never shut up.  He likes it!  At night when he is trying to sleep, I talk to him.  I think it is soothing.  I even turn on the TV when he ignores me and laugh really loud.  TV can be so funny!  Right?  Sometimes it even wakes him up and I get to tell him what I am laughing about.  Those are good times.  I can always feel the love!!  Those are times that he feels like he is the luckiest guy in the whole world!  Some wives would just be quiet and ignore their husbands so that they can rest.  Not me.  I want Steve to know that I am there for him.  Just in case he wants to get up and join in the fun!

I think he is way grateful that I have managed to keep the kids alive.  Some days he seems to have his doubts, but deep down I think he is just jealous of my awesome parenting skills!  I would be if I was him.  Really, he just looks up to me and wants to be like me.  He is lucky for my example.

In closing, I would like to quickly list a few of my excellent qualities that are pretty self explanatory.  A beast in the morning, rebellious, anxious, nasty PMS at times, always say what I am feeling, selfish, and last but not least I am smarter than Steve!

You're Welcome Steve.  I am glad I can be there for you and be your dream girl.  You are SO lucky to have me!!


Clint and Shari said...

Now how can any of us compete with that!!!!! Great Post! lol:)