Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What a hike.

Finding a place to hike in Price was not very easy... so we decided to hike up this big hill and try to get to the weird rock thing on top. I started out with the kids and if you look closely you can see us going up the hill, which was not easy I must add!

Once we got to the top of the hill the trail kind of ran out. We all had gone up farther than we should and were kind of stuck. I managed to get the kids to a good safe spot, but Steve was even farther than us and was way stuck. He did manage to capture this great picture of us before he almost plunged to his death. No really! He could have died.
We all watched Steve nervously prepare to jump from tiny ledge to tiny ledge on the dirt that was so unstable. If he would have fallen he either would have died, or rolled down a huge hill. I encouraged him by telling him he would probably just roll. I think it really comforted him. He got ready to jump, but first he threw me the full water bottle that I kind of missed and it hit my shoulder so hard that I thought it was broken. Oh well, my husband was about to possibly die, so I could deal with the sore shoulder. Right? It did hurt though.

He made the leap and lived. Good news. I was so happy I decided to leave them and run down the mountain. There were these great rolling hills. It was so fun. SO FUN. I want to do it again it was so amazingly fun! Below is me on the road after I ran down.
I am not sure that anyone enjoyed the hike other than me, but it was an experience and we all lived. And that run down... SO GREAT!!!