Saturday, November 15, 2008

Never a dull moment.

Boys.  There is never a dull moment in this house.  I am quickly learning that boys are different from girls and that they come up with some crazy ways of making me laugh, making me scream, and making me wonder.  The things they come up with!

This is Coren's "stitch" doll.  He is in training.  I am not sure what event he is taking on, but Coren had him tied up and running.  Coren watched and cheered, and then eventually joined him on the treadmill.

I am pretty sure that these snakes floating in the tub were just a way to freak me out in the middle of the night.  It worked!

And then there was this cute cookie Coren made.  He even broke the tops off of the candy corn to make little white teeth.  Very creative.  He was proud of it.

Girls just have a little bit different style.  They arrange their dolls and have tea parties.  Makenna has not given me nearly the scares that they boys have. (well unless you count the worst moment of my life, the bird incident)

It is really fun to see the differences as they grow up.  People always ask, "Which is easier, boys or girls?"

I am seeing that they are so different.  They are both really fun.  I love my kids!


Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny about what Coren did. They must get their creative minds from their mom!