Monday, June 8, 2009

So... Freakin... Mean!

The last few weeks the kids have BEGGED and just HAD TO have these shot guns that all of their friends had.  I made them want them for a few weeks, so that when they got them they would be all that much happier.  Finally Friday Steve came home with a shotgun for each kid.  He was a hero and they were all really happy... but they still want a snake.  How funny.  They finally get the guns they have wanted for so long, but are wondering about a snake.  WHAT?  But it has gotten worse, much worse.

They now want a coop of chickens.  Yes, CHICKENS!  A couple of friends have chickens and the fact that we don't is really disgusting to them.  They want them now, and it is all that they are talking about.  If we don't get chickens, life as we know it may end.
So, I have been forced to listen to hours of their "kid" reasoning on why we need chickens.  "We will save so much money on eggs... the kids will take care of them; the parents won't need to do anything... they will even buy them with their own money... we just need one chicken per person... anytime we are hungry we just go outside and there are some eggs for us... they are the same as the eggs from the store... we can get 6 eggs per chicken per day (so 30 eggs a day, I hope we like eggs!)... I will never have to buy eggs again except in the winter but we can just not eat eggs in the winter, they are fine with that... the eggs come in all colors..." and the list goes on and on.

As you may know, I have some food/animal issues.  The kids know it.  So they have a great plan.  They will just gather the eggs and put them in a carton from the store, and then I can just never look at the chickens so it will all be OK.  But, it won't.  I can't do it.  So, I took the easy way out and said it was up to Steve.  I knew he would say NO WAAY!  They were on it.  He got a speech from Makenna, well really more of a sales pitch.  It was in her sweetest Kenna voice.  I was in the background saying things like, "I said I can't handle it" and "they are so messy" and was quickly kicked out of the room by her two bodyguards.

In the end, he said that HE WASN'T OPPOSED TO IT!!  (he better watch his back)

Even my Dad who had chickens as a child said that he thought it was a good idea, oh and that they are messy, but not hard to take care of.  (he must have forgotten that I don't want chickens)

For a second I even wondered if I could get past my gag reflex and eat a egg that was pushed out of a chicken booty right in my backyard.  (for a second)

Then I realized that I spend about $4 a month on eggs.  It doesn't break the bank.  I realized that when I make eggs or any animal product I have to mentally go somewhere else, and if I crack the egg and get "twins" I want to puke my guts out!  And then I skip a meal or two.  And avoid eggs until I forget the pain.

So, I told them we would not be getting chickens... at least not this year.  They looked so sad, so I said maybe next year.  Anger arrived, and Makenna said I was so freakin mean and that I was so crazy because the eggs are just the same as the ones at the store.  And that we should get a cow too, because they could just get milk from it, but they realize that a cow it too big.  But they could milk it, if we had it.  But they don't even want it... just the chickens.  But we can just get them next year.  All she really wants is some water because she feels dehydrated.  But we are getting them next year.

Up to 30 different colored eggs, delivered free right in our own backyard, from 6 already named chicks, ready to eat at a moments notice for breakfast or just a snack.  It's like everyday would be Easter!

I'm tired.  Simply exhausted  from the begging and whining and weirdness.

Good night from the farm; the funny farm that is.


amy said...

What is it with the chickens? I swear everyone I know is getting chickens or ducks or something. Is it the new cool thing?? I have the smell of raw eggs in the back of my throat now. Yuck! I should read this post everyday. It would be good for my diet.

I love how dramatic your kids are!! It keeps me quite entertained!

amelia said...

ah, come on! my girls & i want some little love birds, but sam won't let us!

come on brandi, live a little! if you get sick of them, you can have a chicken dinner :)

Walter Family said...

It's so funny what kids come up with - chickens of all things to beg for! I love the things they were saying to try to convince you! Too funny!