Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wasatch Back Relay

Let me take a minute to brag.  

This year Steve and I ran Ragnar on an amazing team.  What a bunch of WINNER'S!  Let me start our with the results.  Drum roll please...........

This year 650 team competed.
Our team took 16th overall.  Yes, 16th out of 650 teams.  You heard it right.
In our division, Mens Open (yes, it was an all men team, I was the only girl... don't ask) we took 5th place out of 75 teams.  Wanna know who beat us?  Let me tell you.
1st- BYU Cross Country Team
2nd- Weber State Cross Country
3rd- GoLite Footwear
4th- Weber Cross Country Alumni

So, as you can see, we kicked some A**!  Our time was 23:55:02.  Not too bad for 188 miles.

Here's how it played out.  We all met and started our journey to Logan.  I knew right away that we were going to have a great time.  These guys were all so cool. One of our runners Curtis... well he won the St. George Marathon one year.  He was pretty casual about it too.  A marathon in 2 hours 18 minutes; if I won it everyone who ever met me would know about it.

I would wear a shirt at all times stating that, "I won the St. George Marathon."  When I went to the grocery store and they asked me if I needed help finding anything, I would say, "Well, unless you have some shirts that say, "I won the St. George Marathon, I am fine.  Just because I won the St. George Marathon.  Do you want to hear all about it?"

When I went to church, I would wear it proudly with a skirt.  If I were to get married, I would get a large one, tie a bow around my waist, slap on some running shoes and a vail, and run down the aisle shouting, "Sorry about the outfit, but I just won the St. George Marathon!!"  And when it was time for the vows, I would have them say, "Do you take this Marathon WINNER to be your wife?"  And he would have to say, "I do take this winner to be my wife, not only because she is the coolest girl ever, but because she won the St. George Marathon!"

So anyways, that was Curtis.  He was a fast guy who ran like a mad man, passed a million people and loved every minute of it.  He has a brother Adam.  He was so fast too, and so funny.  He would be running along and pick up a cone and run with it, or moon us, or yell out some crazy thing.  He made us laugh so hard.  

We had Josh, who was really fun too.  The crazy thing about Josh was that he WANTED to run Avon pass.  He also let us sleep in his cabin which was SO great.  The best hour of sleep I have had during an overnight race.

Boyd, our neighbor and the Team Captain had us laughing the whole time.  He nearly killed our rental mini van a few times, but that was why we had a rental... right?  One time we were trying to keep up with a runner going downhill on a dirt road and we nailed a rocked so hard.  Everyone standing there just gasped. We yelled out the window, "It's a rental!"  Good times!

We also had a Kenyan on the team (not in our van) that ran a 4:30 minute mile.  I talked to him a little and he gave me some pointers, I just couldn't really understand him, so I am bummed about that.  Very bummed.

I ran well, and Steve did too.  We are pretty please with ourselves.  I kind of want to have a shirt made that says, "Me and the boys took 5th at Ragnar!"  Oh, and one that says, "Yes, I passed tons of people, and only got passed once!" Or "Ask me about Curtis winning the St. George Marathon."

So, that's that!  Pictures to come.


Clint and Shari said...

Congrats to you guys! You guys ROCK!

Clint and I were up in Midway on Saturday watching the runners and we were hoping to see you or Steve pass by...You were probably done by then, though. GOOD JOB!

Hess Fam said...

That is awesome!! Way to go! There were some girls in my hood who ran and they took dead last!!!! How fun for you!!

dennisandsong said...

That's way awesome!! I am forcing myself to feel happy for you, but I am so sad for me, I still can't run, so reading that just makes me so jealous!! I am excited for you though,so great!!

Mare said...

Congratulations to you guys that is so awesome. We'll have to have Steve come by and tell us all about it soon! Hope to see you guys back this way and that Steve made it through last week!

Brad and Marci said...

So here's what my tee shirt will say "I have a cousin who was on an all guy team for the RAGNER and took 5th place!" I'll wear that shirt proudly because I know that somewhere there is that determined blood in me, too (it's just going to take some time to find considering I have the sleepless newborn nights coming upon me). Way to go and try really hard to figure out those tips so you can share them with me!

Mandy said...

Holy crap! That is so awesome Brandi. I can't even imagine how great being on a team that fast would be. Can I come and drive your van for you next year? I can't run that fast, but I want to be with a winner team like that. I'll settle for driver.