Monday, February 1, 2010


It's February! I can smell the love already. It's in the air, it's everywhere!
To honor love and all of those tender moments that will be had this month, I thought it was only right to honor Steve and his cute little prom date. Don't they look cute?!? (to see it bigger, just click on it)
I cannot believe that Steve and I will celebrate our 8th Anniversary this month. Man how time flies! It is so cool to look back over the last 8 years and see all of the things we have accomplished and endured together.

I am excited for this month. And I am excited to see Steve's face when he sees this picture on the blog!


love bug momma said...

LOVE it!! Need to post one of Craig! Heh Heh!

amelia said...

ahh dance pictures... gotta love 'em! it's amazing how all of us probably look so much the same, but yet so different! love it!

Taylor Family said...

Oh my gosh! This is freaking funny!