Monday, January 12, 2009

I won!

OK, for the first time ever in the history of my blog I have won an award.  The scrap award.  Tasha from the amazing blog full of deals and giveaways "Catch the drift with Mama Snow" has given me this award.  I am not really sure what it is, but I am honored all the same.  Scrap= silly crap... well at least that is my take on it.  She had some poetic way of putting it, but let's face it, I think that I won because this blog is a little out there.

So, here goes... 10 honest things about me!  As always, you may want to be sitting down to read this.

1- I was totally freaked out earlier because there was this weird noise in Makenna's room.  I seriously thought that my house was possessed by ghosts (because the fish in there is dying.  I thought either the angels or devil had come to get its spirit).  Turns out it was a poster falling off the wall.  PHEW!
2-  I used to work at Lagoon in the games department.  My job was to convince people that they could make a basket in a hoop that was about 1/4 inch bigger than the ball.  Sadly, I took a lot of peoples money that year!
3-  I am slightly (well pretty) psychic.  I will start to think of someone and go to call them, and next thing I know my phone is ringing and they are calling me.  It is amazing!  Too bad I can't use my psychic abilities for something more useful!
4-  I hate the water.  I hate to be in a lake.  I am always worried that a shark or something will eat me.
5-  Lately I am pretty obsessed with deals.  In fact, I buy stuff just because it is a good deal, even if I don't need it.  The good news is that I get a lot of good deals.
6-  I am anti deodorant.  Well at least anti anti-perspirant.  It poisons your body, but I guess if it is worth it to you, than go for it.  I just would rather stink a little than die, but that's just me.  PS- I don't stink.  If I do I put on deodorant.  I am not a complete freak!
7-  When I was growing up I wanted to Manage a fancy hotel in New York.  I had my glamorous life all planned out.  I lived in a nice penthouse with my cat.  Now... I am the maid at a little house in Riverton.  Funny how life does this to us!
8-  I have a friend whose cat was dying.  She did CPR on it.  Once it was revived, she took it to the vet and got it an IV.  $200 later the cat had to be put to sleep because it suffered brain damage (she said it walked crooked).  I almost wonder if the cats owner has brain damage too (j/k, she knows I love her).  By the way, she kind of hated the cat.  AND, I also have a friend who pooped her pants in Harmons... but I can't say her name, she would DIE!
9-  I had a terrible year in 1st grade.  My teacher told me that if I ever cut my pretty hair she would kill me!  I was so scared the whole year and hated school.  In second grade I cut my hair off!
10-  I am the family hair cutter.  With exception of my own.  I would never do that to myself!! Anyways, I have NO training, but they all let me cut their hair (and their ears and necks sometimes...oops!)  I even cut my Mom's hair recently, let's just say that she wears a lot of hats now.

So, there you have it.  Some things about little old me.  I would like to thank you all for this prestigious award (I mean Tasha...) it was an honor!

I think I am supposed to give this award to some other people.  So...
1- Hilary, Rachel, Shari, and Kim
2- Ann and Song
3- Mandy (sorry)
4- Brooke
You have all just won the silly crap award!  Congrats!


Mama Snow said...

Ok tell your friend who did CPR on her cat that I am so glad to meet someone else who tries to revive animals. I totally forgot I tried to revive a bird once using a Mc Donalds straw. I think I broke it's ribs and killed it quicker... Should I have not posted that?

Mandy said...

Thanks for the award! I'm honored! But, how on earth could I follow that act? I'm so glad it wasn't me that had the accident at Harmon's. Although I do have plenty of other crazy things...I'll see if I can't get around to accepting your award and posting. I'll think about it. :)

Thanks for the laugh!