Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pee-Wee Herman. I love you!

It is hard to find the words that express how much I love this movie.  I think that this movie was by far my favorite movie when I was a kid.  (I also loved "My Girl" and "Pretty Woman")  The other day I came across this movie, and I nearly crapped my pants.  I was so excited.  I knew that my kids had to see it, and I knew that they would fall in love with it just like I did when I was a kid.

Sunday night we all sat in front of the TV for the big event.  I cannot remember the last time I was so excited to watch a movie.  Sad I know.

It started out with his cute little house, and his cool kitchen that makes his breakfast.  The whole time I was one of those annoying people pointing out each cool thing, just so that no-one missed anything!

Soon his bike was unveiled and we all went crazy!  Well, most of us.  Well, OK I went crazy.  Soon, I started to realize that poor PEE-WEE is a WAC job, and I was a little ashamed that I love him so much, just not ashamed enough to quit watching.

Things got scary when I started to notice that PEE-WEE and I have some similarities in the way that we act and the things we do.  I started to think that I may have based some of my life off this movie.  For example:  I also tape my kids faces... you know, tape their nose up so that they look like a pig and then tape wrinkles on them.  Stuff like that.  I also noticed that I kind of act creepy like him, and get all excited over the dumbest stuff (like this movie).  Sadly during this movie I was mimicking his laugh (HA HA- HA HA!) you know the laugh!  He eats with really big silverware, and I like to eat with kids silverware.  He thinks his bike is cool, and so do I!  He wears a bow tie, and I can tie a bow.  He holds intense meetings in his basement, and I have a basement.  He has a lot of friends, and I do too!  His friends kind of hate him because he is mean to them... and you get the point.

In conclusion to this weird post...( where was I going with this thing????) My kids loved the show.  Steve loved it and suggested that we watch Big Top PEE-WEE next.  I came away afraid and curled up in a ball and cried for my Mommy.  Honestly, it is very scary to know that a movie such as this impacted you life so drastically!

At least I wasn't so impacted by Pretty Woman that I became a hooker (although, she did have a rich and happy ending)!  Maybe hooking (is that what you call it?  Hooking?) isn't such a bad thing after all!?!  Come to think of it, I did meet Steve on State Street and he did slip me $50 bucks after our first date.  I just thought he was a generous guy.   KIDDING!

I know you are but what am I.... I know you are but what am I... 

~That is from the show, just in case your life was so sad that you never saw it!~


Rachel said...

wow that post was great Brandi! You crack me up! YES I am on your side! I absolutly loved that show as a kid too and I too haven't seen it in Years. I liked reading about all the funny stuff! The breakfast making house was my favoite!!

Clint and Shari said...

I haven't seen that show in years, I LOVED watching that show when I was young. "I know you are but what am I" I am afraid to let my kids watch it, that is all they need is another role model to look up too:)

Taylor Family said...

I don't really know what to say...