Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What is better than killing a vole?  Killing a pregnant vole!!!  Yes, we are still haunted from time to time by the nasty voles.  Yesterday as we were out in the yard we heard a rumbling in the bushes.  We all went over and sure enough a vole started to make a run for it when BAM Steve tapped it with his shoe and laid it to rest.  Those things die so easy, it is crazy!  We realized pretty quick that it was expecting some nasty baby voles.  Should I have felt sad?  Maybe.  But I screamed and yelled praise to Steve for his 10 in 1 killing.  The more of these things we can get rid of the better.  I am worried that I am teaching the kids violence.  So we had the "talk" about only killing nasty things.  I think that worked.

And our snakes?  Well, we haven't seen them for a while.  In all we counted three living in the yard.  I think they got smart to the boys wanting to catch them and keep them as pets.  They must have evacuated to a safer home.

The basement is coming along nicely.  Steve spent most of his time off this weekend working on the trim work.  We are getting so close.  Kenna and Carson have both said that they are moving downstairs as soon as it is done.  Weird!  They are growing up so fast.

And Steve?  He just left for Price.  He is going to be building a Senior Center down there for the next year.  He will come home all the time, so I am not upset about it.  Plus, in this economy, work is work.  From what everyone says this is the worst they have seen the economy.  There are so many people struggling.  It is so sad.  I hope that when we look back on this time we will be glad that things have improved.  Let's hope.


Kim said...

I can't believe how many voles there are. Keith spread poison for them over the weekend. Kudos to Steve for getting a prego one!