Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today was my first day of freedom.
Oh, wait... What I meant to say was today was Coren's first day of school.

He is just so cute.  Isn't he just the cutest?  Can I just tell you how dang cute he is?  I cannot handle how big he has gotten.  He just took off this morning like it was no big deal.  School as usual.  I guess it helps that he has the same teacher, but still, it was all new kids.  He wasn't scared at all.  He looked so big this morning, and I couldn't help but think that next year he will be in kindergarten!  How weird!  My kids are all getting so big.

I hope he had a great day at school.  I know I have had a great morning all to myself!!!


Mare said...

I love to read your blog - it always gives me a good laugh. My kids headed to school last week and I'm still trying to re-adjust. Thanks for making me laugh! He is the cutest. :)

Hess Fam said...

I am sooo jealous!

~PakKaramu~ said...

reading and visiting your blog

amelia said...

i can't even begin to fathom!