Wednesday, May 5, 2010


It's time I come out of the closet.
Yes, I have a serious confession to make.
Drumroll please....:**:....:**......:**:......
I Brandi Johns am a STALKER!

See this is how it goes. I try to mind my own business, I really do! Then out of nowhere BAM! I run into the most interesting people! OK, so we never really meet face to face, so I can easily justify my stalking, but I cyber stalk them. I find out everything I can about them. I get anxious to find out more. Soon they are part of my day. I wake up reading about their lives, wanting just a little more than they are giving me. I want to be a fly on their wall. They seem to make me a better person. Uplift me. Make me realize that whatever comes my way I can take it, and I can take it with a smile on my face, knowing that if they can do it then so can I!

A while back I started stalking a new victim. She was a beautiful mother of four who had been in a serious airplane crash with her husband. She was burned so terribly that they thought she would die. I hung on every word I could find on her. I wanted to help her. I wanted to see her face and look into her eyes to see if her soul had been taken from her that day. How could she go on?

I started to hear of the pain she faced every day. The simple act of holding her crying child brought unbearable pain. She had to have her wounds scrubbed for hours each day, something I cannot even fathom. She didn't always think living would be worth it. But it was. She has inspired me to be a better person and to have a better attitude.

Please take a minute to watch her story. Find wisdom in her strength and courage to live. I am humbled by her, and hope to complain less, laugh more, and be grateful for the people I have in my life because they are truly what make it all worthwhile.
(Non -religious folk can simply skip the last minute if desired. ;))


Andie said...
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Andie said...

That is such a coincidence! I spent over an hour reading about Nie yesterday for the first time. Her story is so crazy! It makes me think if I would have the same outlook on life after having endured that much pain... Probably not. Thanks for being awesome Brandi!