Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tears are rolling down my face!

Just heard the best conversation between Coren and his friend.

Coren: Do you swear on your mothers grave? Cause if you lie you will have to kill your mother.
Josh: I don't want to kill my mother.
Coren: Yeah, so don't lie.
Josh: I heard on the news that a Mom and Dad killed their son!!!
Coren: How did they kill him? Oh I bet they gave him all sugar.
Josh: Yeah. Or stabbed him with a knife.

So random. So funny. And yes, I tell my child that if he only eats sugar he will die. Woops, my bad! I guess it left an impression!


love bug momma said...

THAT is hilarious!

Clint and Shari said...

Too Funny:) I love to listen to kids conversations!

dennisandsong said...

Very funny!!! The things kids come up with.