Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Dear Garden:
I took so much time to take care of your plants, and to plant you. I even tried to protect you from the snow (the latest snow in Utah history). I so wanted you to live! I worried about you for two days hoping that you would live and give me some veggies!
Today I finally got the nerve to go and check on you and see if you survived. Well, it wasn't pretty! I slowly made my way to the garden...
I found death and frostbite! It was a sad situation!

I tried I really did! I have learned from this and hopefully it won't happen to me in the future. So now what to do? Plant again?


Mare said...

Home depot has something called Water Walls or Walls of Water in their gardening section. They allow you to put your plants in (ie tomatoes, squash, and those warm weather plants) in the ground 8 weeks before the frosts are over. They even protect from snow and can be used over year after year. We swear by them. We built raised beds this year and covered them really well with very heavy plastic and so far have only had very minimal damage. A feat for our polar location! Good luck. I'd start planting away again!