Monday, June 13, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation

Sad day for me. My kids are all getting to big. I have very mixed feelings about them growing up, but it is so weird that all of my kids are going to be in school full time! Crazy!

Coren was so excited to graduate from Kindergarten. He had a great year, but is so ready for first grade. He looked so cute at his graduation.

I think he was mostly excited about his cool certificate he got. I am in LOVE with it. he looks so stinking cute in the picture. We will tresure this for ever!

He is really going to miss his friends. His cute friend Zak came and wanted a picture with Coren. He said he is really going to miss him. I think he will miss all of his friends, good thing he will see them again in a few months!

Good job Coren!