Monday, June 13, 2011

Slot Canyon

The next day we got everyone ready and went to hike Wild Horse Canyon. I love that hike. The kids were so excited and we piled into cars. They were all wild monkeys, they definatly had energy to hike!

Lots of pictures, I know! The kids loved hiking all of the tricky areas of the slot canyon, and they were so excited when we had to go through ICE COLD water to continue on. We all took our shoes off, except those with long enough legs to scale the walls, and trodged through. It was up to our knees at some points, higher on the kids. The kids were all such troopers. I was amazed. We ended up going 5 miles. I think it is something the kids will never forget, and the parents who had to carry kids ;).


Clint and Shari said...

Brandi~ Thanks again for planning such a fun trip for everyone! The kids had a BLAST and are already begging to go back soon! It was so fun with everyone and I hope we go again!