Thursday, March 5, 2009

So sick.

These last few days I have been so sick. I kept thinking that I would get better, and it seems like it will never end. My throat has been so sore that I cannot even swallow or talk. I have basically slept my life away for the last few days.

It is not very often that I get this sick. I think I have had strep twice in my life, both times were when I was pregnant. Today when I was deciding if I should go to the doctor or not I started to remember the time that I was so sick and went to InstaCare.

I was so sick that Steve had to carry me. I went in and the doctor came and did a throat culture. Turned out that I had strep. He gave me two prescriptions, one for the anti-biotic, and the other one was cough syrup. I told him that I didn't have a cough, and asked why I needed the cough syrup. He just said that I should take it to help me sleep. I thought it was weird, but I was too sick to care. When I got home I took the drugs and passed out.

MEAN HUBBY ALERT! Later, hours later, Steve came and woke me up so give me food and a drink. I was pregnant, so I guess he thought I should eat at some point. The sad part is that I do not remember any of what happened after I woke up... BUT...

According to Steve I was acting crazy. He said that I didn't make sense and I couldn't figure out where I was or what I was doing. I was seeing things and trying to grab them. Then, I told him that I had to pee really bad, but that I just wanted to do it in the bed, he had to bed me to use the toilet. He said that he asked me a bunch of questions, and enjoyed laughing at me, making fun of me, and making a fool out of me. Isn't that mean!!! I am also pretty sure that he took advantage of me, but I have no proof. Sick bastard!

Another time when I was also pregnant and sick I could barely move. All I wanted was hot chocolate and Triscuts. I told him that I wanted Triscuts, but that they had to be fresh ones, because I couldn't handle anything stale at a time like this. Minutes later he comes in with my drink and the crackers on a plate. I ate the first Triscut, and I could tell that it was stale. I gave him the look of death, and told him to get me fresh ones. He came back later, and once again, STALE! I was so mad. He thought that it was all in my head, but Hello, I know fresh when I taste it. Then it was time for my hot chocolate. I just wanted a spoonful, so he tries to feed it to me. He was spilling it all over me. I swear, he nearly died that day.

Where was I going with this? Man, these drugs really make you confussed. Anyways, this time around Steve has been on his best behavior (good thing) and I think I am on the road to recovery. At least I hope so.


Taylor Family said...

Dang it girl! I told everyone they better start taking their vitamins so they don't get sick! Are you feeling any better? I hope you are because I am starting to get sick again!!! Seriously...I think we all need to stop going to church and come back when everyone is 100% better!