Monday, April 13, 2009

Congratulations Dad!

This year my Dad surprised us all and quit smoking.  He just did it out of the blue, and has never looked back.  He just celebrated his 100 days smoke free, and he is doing great.  We are all really proud of him and his accomplishment.  He has already added 26 days to his life and as Makenna put it, "Now we get to see him for an extra 26 days and 2 hours! Yeah!!"  Way to go Dad we are proud of you. 


Allison said...

Good for him! It's always inspiring to hear about someone who has overcome an addiction. Thanks for sharing.

dennisandsong said...

That's great!! My mom smoked for a long time and quit several times. I witnessed first hand how hard it is, so I am impressed with his dedication!