Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This last weekend we were out looking for a new trailer.  We are finally getting one from Steve's work, and finding the right one was a harder process than I had originally thought.  After hours of looking, and the kids were getting pretty sick of watching us look inside trailer after trailer, so they made up their own game.  They each took one of our cell phones and then they would go and hide, call the other one, and then look for each other while talking on the phone.  It was pretty entertaining for them, and we just let them do it because they left us alone, and no one seemed to care.

Next thing we know Coren falls on the steps of a trailer while walking up them(because he has dialing and looking at the phone while trying to walk up steps) and slams his face on the corner of the metal stair.

Steve went running and grabbed him and ran to the bathroom.  I guess his mouth was gushing blood, and Steve was pretty sure that he would need stitches.  After some cleaning the blood stopped and he was fine, just sore.  It was so sad because he kept biting the big bump in his lip.  That kids gets hurt more than anyone I know!  


Kim said...

Oh my! Glad he ended up ok, I didn't even notice anything today!