Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Got crabs?

I don't know how it happens but we always end up with all these random pets, even though I have a no pet rule. I am a sucker. Carson has a lizard, and Kenna has a fish. Coren started to beg me for a fish so I caved in. Well on the way there he started trying to sell me on a crab. I told him we have a strict "no crabs" rule in our house. ha ha ha

Well I gave in and he came home with a crab and a fish. How does this happen? He is just so cute, I can't say no!

Sadly the fish only made it 12 hours, we found it dead this morning (the bowl was too small, I told him that but he never believes me), but the crab is still alive and kickin!
From *

From *

I love crab, maybe it will get big enough to eat. Yum!