Friday, February 27, 2009


... and other random stuff!

If I had money I would be happy because:
~Someone would clean my house (my really nice house)
~Someone would cook me healthy meals
~I would have a personal trainer
~I would have a hair and make-up artist to make me look great every day, with the help of my personal shopper
~I would have a limo service to transport my kids
~We would travel the world
~I would mingle with the stars
~I could buy anything I want!
~I would have a personal blogger, someone to document my life for me

Or is that just what I think would happen?  I am SO irritated these days with the whole money crisis and people thinking that money will solve all of their problems.  Let's face it, it won't.  And, if we don't have it we won't die! (Unless we don't have food and stuff, but you know what I mean!)

Our kids will not be better off because of the toys that they have, but they will be better off because of the quality time we spend with them.  My childhood was not a fancy one, but I have a lot of great memories.  My kids favorite time is the time our family spends playing games and watching movies together.

My life would not be any better if I had someone else doing everything for me.  It's my life, I want to live it myself!  Sure, having a full time zit popper would be nice... but I can squeeze those bad boys myself can't I?

Kids, believe it or not, are capable of taking care of themselves a little too.  What favors are we doing them if we do everything for them and meet their every need, and buy them everything they want?  They are going to have a harsh reality when they move out and actually have to provide for themselves, and can't have everything they want.  And yes kids... you will eventually be asked to leave!  And, it is OK to get mad at them if they are bad.  If they don't want to get in trouble, they should try to act better.  They need to learn rules, like the ones that there are in the real world.  In the real world you follow the rules or you suffer the consequences.  In the real world people don't care about your crying, begging, or talking your way out of things or through things.  We need to prepare our kids for what the world is really like. Sad, but true!  I have tried to talk, beg, and cry my way out of tons of things.  I think it worked once with a ticket.  That's it!   And Coren; in the real world, people will not carry you around the mall because you are too lazy to walk.  Start walking, my back hurts!

Having responsibilities may not always be fun, but think of the things we learn from the things we do, and think of how much we grow by actually accomplishing things in life.  If we had someone available to meet our every need and make our lives perfect for us, we would be pretty worthless people.  And maybe even a little bored.

My message for today is this.  Enjoy the things that you have to do, even if you don't want to do them.  Find a way to have fun for free.  Teach your kids that happiness comes from people not things (and teach it to yourself while you are at it).  Stop and smell the roses.  Saving all your money for later?  I hope that later comes, and you don't regret not spending it on todays memories.  Save for a rainy day, not for a rainy lifetime.  See the world.  Show it to your kids. Talk to people (remember talking? It was the thing invented before email, texting, and twitter). Last but not least take time to pamper yourself, build relationships, and do things you love. Today might be your last day, ya never know.

Disclaimer:  I know that reading this blog may make you feel like you are not as good of a person as me.  It's OK.  I have worked really hard at becoming perfect, and if you continue to read, there is a chance for you too.  I wrote all of this because I do these things daily.  Really! (Oh wait, I don't but I do wish I did.)  Please don't feel like I am better than you, sometimes the truth just hurts, and you need to find a way to get past that pain.  This post is merely a suggestion of how you can live your life if you want to be as cool as me.  And was written because I needed to vent.

Help Wanted: Zit popper.  The pay sucks, but at least you know that you will always have a job (talk about JOB SECURITY).  Very rewarding... there are many zits for popping daily.  Please come with protective eyewear!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Want to win some free Lia Sophia Jewlery?  Check out my other blog because we are giving some away.

About the blog:
My Bloomin Belly is a blog that has many helpful articles about pregnancy and parenting.  My sister in law and I wrote a book about pregnancy, (check it out here) and this is where we promote it, and do lots of other stuff.  If you haven't seen it yet, check it out.  Plus, you need to enter to win the jewels!


This is one crazy guy!
Today at school he got to bring the secret box.  He could put anything in it, and the kids had three clues to guess what he brought.  His clues:
1) It can scare cats away
2) It has a trigger
3) It can kill mice

It was a bee-bee gun.  (And yes, we have been using it to keep cats out of the yard.  Cats, leave us alone!  Don't worry, it just scares them, we are not cat killers... yet!) 

They learned about the letter U.  Uncle.  Coren said, Uncle Zak likes chicken hearts.
Not sure where that came from, but if Coren says it, it must be true!  He says he saw him eat some at Brooke's house.  "Lots of um".  YUM!

Kid stuff.

Makenna has been into decorating her room lately.  She found this giant flower lamp, and it is the greatest lamp ever!  She loves it so much because it helps her to sneak in reading when she is supposed to be asleep!  Naughty!  And, my favorite part is that she shines it right on her face while she sleeps.  Cozy!
Last night Steve walked in the door from work and found Coren.
"Hey bud, you need to make sure that you don't park your bike where I park my truck because I might not see it and I could run over it.
Coren got the most terrified look on his face (he loves his bike more than anything!) and he just sat there for a second.  Then he said quietly, "Did it POP?"
"No, it didn't, but you need to make sure that you park it away from the cars so that it stays safe."
A second later I look over at Coren and his bottom lip starts to quiver and then he just breaks down crying.  He was crying so hard he couldn't breathe.  Steve runs over and grabs him and takes him out to see his bike.  It was in one piece.  Once they examined it, he was OK and calmed down.  

I think that Coren is defiantly going to follow in his Dad's footsteps when it comes to his bike.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Coming to Jesus...

Today I went for a run.  It was windy, and I HATE the wind.  It makes running so much harder.  The wind was hitting me from the South, so every time I was running South I was moaning and groaning about how miserable I was.

My friend Mandy talks of how her runs are so spiritual for her.  How she feels close to God.  Me, I only feel close to God on my runs when I have been running for way too long, and I know that I might be seeing God in a mile or two when I fall over and DIE!  So, in the spirit of Mandy, I decided that I was going to call on God to make the wind stop for me.  It was going to be my 'Coming to Jesus' with Jesus.  It went like this:

"OK, I don't like the wind, AT ALL!  So, maybe, unless there is someone out there who needs the wind to blow more than I need it to stop, you could stop the wind... just until I finish my run."
I waited, but it didn't stop.  Big shocker!  I guess maybe he thought I needed to fight a wind storm, who knows!  Maybe he thought that I should have plenty of energy because I literally slept most of the day yesterday, and because I ate tons of sugar this morning.  Maybe sugar cookies for breakfast make you run really good in the wind, and I just didn't know about it.  Maybe spending all day Sunday in bed sleeping rather than attending church make you run great with  wind resistance.  Maybe he was laughing at me and making the wind blow harder because I slept all day instead of going to church.  Now that is more like it.

But, I made it.  10 miles in 88 minutes.  I was happy.  I couldn't help but wonder how much faster I could have gone without the wind.  Hmmm?

Today marks the beginning of my training for the Salt Lake Half that I will be running with Steve.  I can't wait to run with him... and he is so excited that he can hardly stand it (well, not really, but let's pretend).  It better not be windy that day!  Steve, aren't you so excited????

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weekend update.

Slave labor is still in full force at the Johns house.  The boys are obsessed with keeping the shower clean.  LOVE IT!
This weekend we went bowling with some friends.  I wish I had my camera, but I forgot it.  The kids loved it and had tons of fun with their friend Bailee.  Oh, and did I mention that Coren got a strike?  He did!
We also went with my parents on a tour of the Draper temple.  It was really pretty and a fun adventure.  Again, forgot the camera!  The kids were so patient, and loved the cookies at the end!  It was really cute because half way through the tour Carson started to hum 'I am a child of God.'   Cute little guy.

And that was our weekend.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh what a feelin'!

Today I came out of a deep depression...
       And I didn't even know that I was depressed!

It was so nice out today that I took advantage of the kids being in school and went for a run.  As I started to run, I noticed that I wasn't very cold.  It was weird.  Then I noticed that the sun was beating down on me, and that it felt SO nice!  I was having such a great time running, that I just kept going, and going.

All, of the sudden I had this moment.  One of those light bulb moments when it just hits you like a ton of bricks.  Here is the conversation I had in my head.  Don't worry, I am not crazy.

"WOW, this is amazing.  I could run forever.  I feel like a new person.  Was I depressed before?  Maybe I was depressed and I just came out of it!  That is great!  I think that I must have been in the house way to much lately, and now I am starting this new chapter of life that is depression free.  Funny, I never felt depressed, but I MUST have been because I feel so much better now.  Dad did say today that the Robin's are out and that is a good sign.  I need to spread this spring cheer.  (At this point I start waving to people and saying HI in my cheeriest voice as I pass them.)  I feel like I am in a one girl parade.  Too bad I don't have candy to throw out.  A day like this needs some candy.  I am so glad that I am out of that depression.  Weird I didn't know I was depressed, but OK!  I better tell Steve that I am not depressed anymore.  He will be so happy.  I better tell everyone.  I better blog about it!!!"

After looking back on this I realize that I was having a great run and enjoying the amazing weather, and that I was never really depressed, just having a HUGE runners high, but it was so therapeutic that I don't even care.  I am so excited for spring!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1st tooth out!

His tooth has been just hanging by a thread for the last few weeks, driving me crazy.  I tried to pull it out so many times, but he always made me stop at the first sign of pain.  Today before school I knew that it was only a matter of time.  He could no longer eat because it hurt so bad, and was so ready for it to be out, but so scared.

When I picked them up from school Carson has his mouth closed and they both looked so proud.  Makenna had seen him in the hall and just yanked it out.  He said he didn't even feel it.  Now they both have a missing tooth and think that they are really cool.  Hopefully the tooth fairy will show up.  :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

INdoor Smores

Coren wanted to make a treat SO bad, but we were out of eggs.  I told him to get creative and find something we could make without eggs.  He looked in the pantry for a while and then announced proudly "INdoor Smores!"  I was impressed.

He worked really hard on them, and then we stuck them in the microwave.  They were really good.  He didn't like them because they were too messy.  How could he not love those andies mints melted?  MMM, so good!  Such a clean freak!

Good work Chef Boy!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Man, Chick, And Jar.

It is not very often that you can say that you married the man and the woman of your dreams (unless of course you were once straight and then turned gay...or vice versa) but I am one of the fortunate few that managed to do just that!

It is crazy to think that we have been married for seven YEARS!  Me and him/her! 
This year instead of buying Steve some really nice gift, or something that he really wanted or would really like, I decided that I would save some cash and give him the gift of love.  I know, a flat screen says love too... maybe next year!  This year I went with a jar full of love.
I made him a jar full of things that me and the kids love about him.  This way, he can take one out each morning and start the day feeling some love!  Cheesy, I know, but I think the girl in him will love it!  It wasn't hard for us to fill the jar because we all love him a lot and think he is great.
Thanks for seven years of HELL Steve... OH, I mean Thanks for seven WONDERFUL years! 

Happy Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Come back!

"MOM, do you remember when the sun was out everyday, and it just shined all day and it was so warm?" Carson said looking out the window at the falling snow with the saddest look on his face.

When the kids start to notice it... It is time.  At this house, we are ready for some warm weather!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Queen and the wheels.

Self proclaimed "QUEEN DANELLE" celebrated her first four years.  Love this girl.  Love even more that she know that she is a queen!  Cute Cousin!
We celebrated on 8 wheels.  A first for the boys, and a chore for the Mom.  
"The Warm up!" with the Grandpas.
One child got really good (after an intense arm workout for Mom). 
One boy was not so in love.  He did love being carried around the rink in his shoes.  We lived, and bones were not broken.
Carson and Uncle Brad worked the rink in style.

He was a skater boy!  Proud Mama, and cute Danelle were impressed.
Then they took to the rides.  They bumped and spun, and ran, and laughed, and got really tired.  Mom watched and laughed and talked, and got tired too!
And in the end, Carson pulled a shocker and rode the coaster solo.  What a day!  What bravery.  

Friday, February 6, 2009

Diamond Heist.

Coren is a thief.  It used to not be such a big deal... a pack of gum here, some candy there, but now he has really outdone himself.  He stole his first major item.  A diamond ring.  
I wish that I could say I was joking, but I am not.  Luckily, the ring was recovered and returned to its owner, but not until there was some major drama that will hopefully stop this criminal in his tracks next time he decides to rob someone, or before he gets me landed in jail!
After a night at Grandma and Grandpa's, Coren gets home and starts to unpack his suitcase.  Next thing I know he pulls out a ring, and gives it to me (OK that part was nice) as a gift.  I asked him where he got it (I knew it was my Mom's) and he said that he just found it in his suitcase.  Amateur!  I of course knew better.  Somehow I got sidetracked, and forgot about it for a day.  I get busy, what can I say?   Then a day or two or three later, I saw it sitting on my nightstand and I called him on it.
He held tight to his story of it just appearing there, but being the bully detective I am, I was able to break him.  Finally, he admitted that he found it on her counter and put it in his bag.  He was sad.  He cried and cried, and was so sorry.  At least so he said.  So, I decided to take it a step further, just to teach him a huge lesson (as I have had to do before, he is a thief I tell you a THIEF) and told him that he had to call Grandma to apologize.
He fell to the ground and could hardly breathe.  He screamed and cried.  I dialed and held the phone up to him.  He said "Sorry" and then just sobbed.  My Mom felt SO bad for him and was telling him it was OK and being really nice to him.  She was trying to find out what in the heck was going on and why he was crying.  Finally I explained that he had stolen her ring.  He still cried and wouldn't talk.  It is funny how the Grandparents feel so bad for HIM.  My Mom felt bad, and then when she told my Dad he felt bad too and said how cute Coren is.  The little criminal.  Its always the cute and innocent ones!
The next day we brought the ring to lunch and he gave it to her without a word.  He was really embarrassed.  I hope that he stealing days are over!  Will he ever learn?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cheap thrills.

Change it up.

Change:  The only sure thing in life is that change will occur.  For some in this house change is feared.  Others, love it and need it.  That would be Coren and I.  I need variety.  After all it is the spice of life, right?  I am seeing more and more that Coren is following in my footsteps.  He is always having to change things up in an effort to keep from boredom.  This last week I captured some of his "ordinary changes" on film.  It makes me laugh, because I totally see where he is coming from.
After eating a corn dog for lunch 3 days in a row, he
decided to try it without the stick.
Coren is the silverware guy in this house.  His job is to put away
the clean silverware.  He finally got sick of putting them away the right way
and started to load them in backwards.
How many times can you write your name without getting sick of it?  Coren
decided hat writing his name on the line is boring, and now writes
it through the line.
Sorry you got my curse Coren.

Monday, February 2, 2009

What a loser fairy!

Makenna came in this morning very disappointed.  The tooth fairy had not come.

"Mom!  The tooth fairy didn't come last night!"  She said in a very annoyed voice.
"Umm W-h-A-t?!?  She didn't?"  I mumbled in a very awkward voice.  "Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm SURE!  I checked all around."  Makenna said.  
"Did you leave a note and put everything in a sock?"  I said trying to get to the bottom of the situation.
"Yeah, I did all of that."
"Well, maybe she doesn't work on the weekend, or maybe she couldn't get your head off the pillow."  I said sure that I could figure this mess out.
"MOM!"  anger was rising.
"I know that she will come tonight.  Just put the sock a little to the edge of the pillow.  She will be there!"  I said with confidence.

It is sad when our public servants such as the tooth fairy fall asleep on the job!  Very sad!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Today at church I learned the following about being a good wife:
~Always look as good as possible when he gets home from work.
~Ask him about his day.  Praise him and encourage the children to do so as well.  Act interested when he talks about work, even if you do not understand what he is talking about.
~Do not go out of the house in your sweats.  Nothing is worse than seeing someone at the grocery store in their sweats.
~Send your husband flowers at work.  Apparently they love that.
~If you complain about the way your husband does household chores, you are a terrible wife.  He might cry because he is just trying so hard to please you.  NEVER complain about your husband doing things.  Men just do so much for women, we need to praise them for that.
~Let your husband feel like a manly man.  Do whatever you can to make him feel masculine.
~Do all of this and more while keeping the house clean, taking care of the kids, cooking good meals, OH AND DON'T forget to take the time to look HOT everyday when he comes home.

In summary, it is no longer 2009, it is 1909.  

While I was doing everything I could to keep my mouth shut during this lesson and laughing at the looks on my friends faces, I am happy to say that I came away with something valuable.  One little thing that I could do to be a better wife.   Maybe I should send Steve flowers at work!  Imagine his delight when a dozen roses are delivered to the construction site.  I would love to see the look on his face when all of the guys realize that they are for him.  Why do I have a feeling he would call me right away, and not just to thank me?  I bet he would proudly keep them on his desk, and make sure that they stay well watered so that they live as long as possible.  I think that it would make me a better wife, and I KNOW that he would appreciate it.  The things I do for this marriage, if only all women were as great as me!!  I almost remind myself of that 'Leave it to Beaver Lady' only better!

*On a side note:  When I came home from church I told Steve about our lesson (I left out the roses part, I can't wait to do that one ;) and how they told us what we need to do to be better wives.  I told him to go and lay down on the bed and I would be in to rub his feet until he feel asleep for a nap.  Then, while he slept I would make food, take care of the kids, and clean up.  After that I wanted to hear all about his day.  And then I would tell him how amazing and manly he is.  Boy was he excited!

Then, just to bring him back to reality, I spent the next hour being as mean as possible, changing into my sweat pants and removing my make-up, and watching him clean the house and deal with the kids!