Friday, February 27, 2009


... and other random stuff!

If I had money I would be happy because:
~Someone would clean my house (my really nice house)
~Someone would cook me healthy meals
~I would have a personal trainer
~I would have a hair and make-up artist to make me look great every day, with the help of my personal shopper
~I would have a limo service to transport my kids
~We would travel the world
~I would mingle with the stars
~I could buy anything I want!
~I would have a personal blogger, someone to document my life for me

Or is that just what I think would happen?  I am SO irritated these days with the whole money crisis and people thinking that money will solve all of their problems.  Let's face it, it won't.  And, if we don't have it we won't die! (Unless we don't have food and stuff, but you know what I mean!)

Our kids will not be better off because of the toys that they have, but they will be better off because of the quality time we spend with them.  My childhood was not a fancy one, but I have a lot of great memories.  My kids favorite time is the time our family spends playing games and watching movies together.

My life would not be any better if I had someone else doing everything for me.  It's my life, I want to live it myself!  Sure, having a full time zit popper would be nice... but I can squeeze those bad boys myself can't I?

Kids, believe it or not, are capable of taking care of themselves a little too.  What favors are we doing them if we do everything for them and meet their every need, and buy them everything they want?  They are going to have a harsh reality when they move out and actually have to provide for themselves, and can't have everything they want.  And yes kids... you will eventually be asked to leave!  And, it is OK to get mad at them if they are bad.  If they don't want to get in trouble, they should try to act better.  They need to learn rules, like the ones that there are in the real world.  In the real world you follow the rules or you suffer the consequences.  In the real world people don't care about your crying, begging, or talking your way out of things or through things.  We need to prepare our kids for what the world is really like. Sad, but true!  I have tried to talk, beg, and cry my way out of tons of things.  I think it worked once with a ticket.  That's it!   And Coren; in the real world, people will not carry you around the mall because you are too lazy to walk.  Start walking, my back hurts!

Having responsibilities may not always be fun, but think of the things we learn from the things we do, and think of how much we grow by actually accomplishing things in life.  If we had someone available to meet our every need and make our lives perfect for us, we would be pretty worthless people.  And maybe even a little bored.

My message for today is this.  Enjoy the things that you have to do, even if you don't want to do them.  Find a way to have fun for free.  Teach your kids that happiness comes from people not things (and teach it to yourself while you are at it).  Stop and smell the roses.  Saving all your money for later?  I hope that later comes, and you don't regret not spending it on todays memories.  Save for a rainy day, not for a rainy lifetime.  See the world.  Show it to your kids. Talk to people (remember talking? It was the thing invented before email, texting, and twitter). Last but not least take time to pamper yourself, build relationships, and do things you love. Today might be your last day, ya never know.

Disclaimer:  I know that reading this blog may make you feel like you are not as good of a person as me.  It's OK.  I have worked really hard at becoming perfect, and if you continue to read, there is a chance for you too.  I wrote all of this because I do these things daily.  Really! (Oh wait, I don't but I do wish I did.)  Please don't feel like I am better than you, sometimes the truth just hurts, and you need to find a way to get past that pain.  This post is merely a suggestion of how you can live your life if you want to be as cool as me.  And was written because I needed to vent.

Help Wanted: Zit popper.  The pay sucks, but at least you know that you will always have a job (talk about JOB SECURITY).  Very rewarding... there are many zits for popping daily.  Please come with protective eyewear!


Anonymous said...

I will be your zit popper for free! I find that I enjoy popping zits. Every time I pop one it makes me just a little bit more happy. Just fly me up!!

Kim said...

I love your comment about the saving for rainy days not a rainly lifetime!! I am so sick of all of the bailouts from the goverment.