Change: The only sure thing in life is that change will occur. For some in this house change is feared. Others, love it and need it. That would be Coren and I. I need variety. After all it is the spice of life, right? I am seeing more and more that Coren is following in my footsteps. He is always having to change things up in an effort to keep from boredom. This last week I captured some of his "ordinary changes" on film. It makes me laugh, because I totally see where he is coming from.
After eating a corn dog for lunch 3 days in a row, he
decided to try it without the stick.
Coren is the silverware guy in this house. His job is to put away
the clean silverware. He finally got sick of putting them away the right way
and started to load them in backwards.
How many times can you write your name without getting sick of it? Coren
decided hat writing his name on the line is boring, and now writes
it through the line.
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