Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1st tooth out!

His tooth has been just hanging by a thread for the last few weeks, driving me crazy.  I tried to pull it out so many times, but he always made me stop at the first sign of pain.  Today before school I knew that it was only a matter of time.  He could no longer eat because it hurt so bad, and was so ready for it to be out, but so scared.

When I picked them up from school Carson has his mouth closed and they both looked so proud.  Makenna had seen him in the hall and just yanked it out.  He said he didn't even feel it.  Now they both have a missing tooth and think that they are really cool.  Hopefully the tooth fairy will show up.  :)


Taylor Family said...

Ya, if that LOOSER fairy doesn't show up again...I don't know that I will believe anymore!

Mama Snow said...

Next time Dr. Matt is just a phone call away!

Brooke Jesus said...

It's funny how much older they look with the hole in their smile!!! Just wait until all the big teeth start growing in. That is an awful phase! Cameron is dying to get a loose tooth.