Monday, February 23, 2009

Coming to Jesus...

Today I went for a run.  It was windy, and I HATE the wind.  It makes running so much harder.  The wind was hitting me from the South, so every time I was running South I was moaning and groaning about how miserable I was.

My friend Mandy talks of how her runs are so spiritual for her.  How she feels close to God.  Me, I only feel close to God on my runs when I have been running for way too long, and I know that I might be seeing God in a mile or two when I fall over and DIE!  So, in the spirit of Mandy, I decided that I was going to call on God to make the wind stop for me.  It was going to be my 'Coming to Jesus' with Jesus.  It went like this:

"OK, I don't like the wind, AT ALL!  So, maybe, unless there is someone out there who needs the wind to blow more than I need it to stop, you could stop the wind... just until I finish my run."
I waited, but it didn't stop.  Big shocker!  I guess maybe he thought I needed to fight a wind storm, who knows!  Maybe he thought that I should have plenty of energy because I literally slept most of the day yesterday, and because I ate tons of sugar this morning.  Maybe sugar cookies for breakfast make you run really good in the wind, and I just didn't know about it.  Maybe spending all day Sunday in bed sleeping rather than attending church make you run great with  wind resistance.  Maybe he was laughing at me and making the wind blow harder because I slept all day instead of going to church.  Now that is more like it.

But, I made it.  10 miles in 88 minutes.  I was happy.  I couldn't help but wonder how much faster I could have gone without the wind.  Hmmm?

Today marks the beginning of my training for the Salt Lake Half that I will be running with Steve.  I can't wait to run with him... and he is so excited that he can hardly stand it (well, not really, but let's pretend).  It better not be windy that day!  Steve, aren't you so excited????


dennisandsong said...

I really liked reading this post!! I find running spiritual as well, I am writing an article right now that I want to send into the ENSIGN (I know I am lame). But seriously, I always relate my run to life and how I really find it difficult at times, but how sweet the satisfaction is for finishing!!! Your distance time is great!! I hope I can keep up with you guys during the marathon!!! Steve will love it, you may just have to explain it him!!

Brad and Marci said...

I hate running in the wind too, if I wanted to do resistance training I would lift weights! I do however love the SLC 1/2 marathon (I did it last year) have fun for you and for me while I am full with child and jealous. The most spiritual thing to me about running is when I don't sing a bad word from one of the songs on my ipod. Whatever works right?

Mandy said...

You're so funny Brandi. What more can I say?

God never stops the wind for me either. A tailwind for speed is always helpful though, so if there's a headwind, I change course and just run with it!

I'm so jealous that you're already starting your training and you're getting ready for a great race. I'm excited for you and Steve. You're going to totally kick booty at it. No injuries this time!