Our family took a huge hike up to Grandeur Peak. When we set out, and I saw the trail, I thought that there was no way that we would make it to the top, but they were such good hikers!!
The hike was tough, I have to admit that I even struggled a bit, but after 2 1/2 hours we were at the top. I was so amazed, my kids are tough kids!! The view from the top was so amazing. I wish that we had packed a lunch so that we could have stayed and enjoyed it longer. The kids loved crossing the bridge. They thought it was so much fun. We made it down in just over an hour. Me and Carson ran down the last mile. It was so much fun. We were flying past people and I kept hearing them say, "Did you see that little boy?" He was very proud because he was the first one to the top, and the first one to the bottom. Round trip our hike was 7 miles. It was lots of fun, and I am sure that the kids will never forget it!
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