Friday, May 22, 2009

So unnecessary!

Carson came home from school the other day and said he was one of the only kids in the class that had not passed off tying their shoes.  I of course was shocked, because I had no clue that he was supposed to learn to tie his shoes... he doesn't even have shoes that tie, so why would he need to learn how to tie shoes???  Seriously, what is wrong with our Education System?  But, I taught him, so he can now tie MY shoes.  Way to go Cars!!


Kara said...

Really?? I don't remember how old I was but I didn't realize that you had to pass that off at SCHOOL. I thought it was just something you learned at home!

Isaac and Dallas said...

That is so dumb they make you pass that off. Good thing they focus on the real stuff. Who needs to read, write, and do math. Anyway way to go Carson. Thanks for the heads up I would have never known.

Kim said...

That is crazy. I would never think that would be somthing to pass off either. I can't stand tie up shoes for kids, they take too long.