Monday, May 4, 2009

See ya Billy Bob...

... and honestly if that is your new look, don't come back!
It's official, Steve took off to live it up in the trailer in Veil Colorado.  He is going to be working there for three months (and just so you know weirdo's out there, I have an alarm system and a gun, so don't mess!!) and will only be coming to visit home from time to time.  

Before he left our friends Craig and Laurie came and brought him a care package to help him survive in the trailer park.
It made me laugh.  Steve laughed harder because a few of the things were inside jokes (like pieces of 2X4's, I just didn't see the humor in it).  They got him all ready with some wife beaters, that I expect will come home with sweat stained pits, some goodies, and it was even topped with a bow made of duct tape.  I have to admit that bow puts me to shame, I was way impressed.
Last but not least they gave him a condom, just in case someone catches him by surprise.  Too bad it had already been used!
So now it is the single Mom life.  Just me and my gun, and the bullets of course, and let's not forget the police standing by, and the neighborhood watch program.  Seriously, the guys on my street are freakin' huge!  I wouldn't mess with them!!!


love bug momma said...

Looks like he's already getting comfy! He'll return a different man!

dennisandsong said...

I like the care package, I wish I would have thought of it!! Actually I think you are the one who needs the care package. . .maybe I'll send YOU one!!
Chocolate being the main ingredient to survial without a husband!!