Wednesday, August 26, 2009


My brother Zak packed up and moved to Arizona with his girlfriend (possibly wife... long story... it's a Vegas thing) Katie.  We are sad to have him gone, but we love her.  Plus, he is kind of a pain in the butt, so she can HAVE HIM!  

Last time he moved out of state was after high school.  He went to Hawaii to visit his friend that was living over there, and called a week later to let us know that he was staying.  The lived there right by the beach for a few months, and then came home when he ran out of money.  What a life.  I wish that I would have done more crazy stuff like that before settling down.  Smart boy!  

**Note to my kids... DO NOT get married until you are at LEAST 23.  It's the law.  And if it isn't the law, it should be!**