Tuesday, August 25, 2009

they did it.

Well, they did it.  Made it through the first day of school.  And, they were even excited to go back again today.

Carson had SO much to tell me, but most importantly that, "A girl likes me, and I like her too!"  He isn't sure of her name, but I bet that by the end of the week he will have it down.  The funny part is that they tell each other that they like them.  First grade?  WoW!

Kenna had tons of friends and even made some new ones.  She had to fill out a job application for homework and took it very seriously.  She is really excited for all of the fun things that they are going to do this year, and is impressed by how smart and organized her teacher is.  She was a little upset because she couldn't find Carson after school.  He had made his way to the playground.  I bet he won't do THAT again!

It sounds like it is going to be a good year!

Carson asked if the second day would be as fun as the first day.  I hope it was!!


Isaac and Dallas said...

That is so scary that he like a girl, but who cares about her name. Right?