Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'll get you my pretty!

Last Monday.  Bad day Monday let's call it.  It all started out with a really bad run, which for me, usually means a bad day.  I had no idea how bad.

Once I got home from my run, I had to hurry and mow the lawn before heading up to to the Huntsman Cancer Institute for my Mom's surgery.  I like, I mean LIKED mowing the lawn.  It is usually something that I like to do, and it relaxes me.  So there I was mowing the lawn...

BAM!  CRUSH!  BANG!  GRIND!  "WHAT in the HE double hockey sticks what that???"  I look down to see blood and guts all over and a decapitated rodent laying by my foot oozing intestines.  So, I started to run around and scream and then hyperventilated for a while.  Once I got my composure, or was close to getting it, I called for Kenna and let her know that her chore for the day was to scoop up the pieces of this thing and throw them away.  She calmly looked at it, inspected the damage, looked for the missing head, and went to the shed for a shovel.  In the meantime, Carson came to me concerned that I was hurt.  He couldn't figure out why I was screaming so much.  DUH?

The last thing I wanted to do was keep mowing, but I needed to finish.  I hate stuff being halfway done.  I thought that this had been a freak event, and that the rest of the mowing would be uneventful.  I guess I was a little wrong.  As I kept mowing I saw these things, now known as VOLES running wild in my yard.  The had moved in overnight, like a bad storm!  They had made little holes all over the place, and at the same time signed their death wish.  There is no room at the Inn!  

I got Tim next door and he brought his dog over.  Milo, the dog, likes to hunt things.  He sniffed some out right away.  As the first vole darted towards freedom, he was chased but wasn't fast enough.  "SQUEAK!"  One down.

Next I called Steve and told my tell.  I was upset.  He was laughing.  I found more sympathy in my next call to the local pest control company.  They told me they would be right out.

So, off to the hospital I went.  The surgery was interesting.  It kind of happened.  He explored around and then never told us a thing.  What doctor doesn't come and tell you anything after a surgery?  I was irritated.  The NEXT DAY after still no answers on what the outcome of the surgery was, I called the doctor myself.  He didn't even call back until the next day, and even then, he couldn't give me any solid answers other than, "I need more tests, and I am a good doctor"  So from there the tests have been getting canceled every day for one reason or another, and I am getting more frustrated.  In the meantime, my Mom gets in more pain, and is more miserable.  The doctors don't call.

I finally called a Patient Advocate to complain and get help, but they haven't called me back either.  In summary, the Huntsman Cancer Institute SUCKS!  I should put some voles in their building!

So back to the Voles.  They suck too.  They still hang out here.  They have made themselves more holes.  They have died in my window wells.  One died from a shoe being thrown at it, and another in a trap with no bait (dumb voles).  I did mow the lawn again, and they escaped my blades.  Thank the LORD!  I am still on the attack!!  I will not quit!  I will fill their holes with poison, kick them, smash them, and whatever else.  Yes, it is a little violent, but these things are creepy!

If you see any voles crawling around, which if you live by me you will, give them a little kick and tell them Brandi sent you!


love bug momma said...

so today (friday) I watched a hawk or golden eagle or something dive in that field and catch one, then perched on johnson's to eat it. It jumped to their grass (huge bird) and then went after another one! It's a bird's paradise!

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