Friday, August 15, 2008


It is not un-common to hear Coren being sassy!  He is always telling Carson things to try to make him mad or make him feel bad.  For a three year old, he thinks that he is HOT STUFF!  Today while we were driving in the car I heard Carson start to get mad at Coren.  When I asked what was wrong Coren started to sass me and tell me that he had a trick that only HE could do because our fingers wouldn't do it.  He said that Jesus "told it to him."  I turned around and he had his usual 'I told you so' face on .

I said, "OK let's see what you can do!"  Up went his middle finger.  Yes, my three year old was flipping me off.
In the meantime Carson was crying because Coren wouldn't teach him to do it.  Makenna was freaking out because it was a bad word, and she wanted me to tell him what it meant.  So to try and calm the situation (while trying to hide my laughter) I said, "Coren, that is something that you do that means I hate you, so you shouldn't do it."  

Makenna pipes up, "Tell him what it REALLY means!!!" 
 "It means F-U Coren," I said wondering why these things always happen to me. 
 Makenna still not satisfied says, "Mom, you need to tell him the whole word, that's what parents do!"
"OK kids, don't use that finger and don't say bad words.  Now let's move on with our lives."

 And then I got the camera.

I know that it is a little white trash to have a picture of your kid flipping the bird, but I had to fully capture the moment.  Sorry!


Walter Family said...

Oh my gosh, that is so hilarious! It's so fun reading your blog, I feel like I can totally relate! :)

Laurie N' Craig said...

Sorry, he promised me he would do that in front of you. He caught me throwing the california hello sign and i had to explain myself. i will try and be a better neighbor. If i am ever in a bad mood all i have to do is read your latest blog.. Thanks you make life laughable...