Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Do you ever do something that you KNOW is a bad thing?  Before you do it, and even as you are doing it, you are nervous of the outcome.  It is like when you were a kid, and you know that you shouldn't eat a cookie before dinner, but you hurry and shove the whole thing in your mouth while your Mom isn't looking and hope that she doesn't notice.  You pretty much know you will get busted, but you kind of don't care, because the cookie tastes so good.  WELL, that is kind of how this is.

Lucky for me, Steve usually doesn't read our blog, but when he does, I am pretty sure that he is going to call me freaking out!  He is going to be really embarrassed.  I am going to have to dig myself out of it, maybe even offer to remove the post, but probably never really take it off.  You see, even though I know he is going to DIE, this cookie just tastes TOO GOOD!

So... Steve I apologize in advance but it isn't my fault that I think you are sexy, and these pictures were taken by me with my camera, so technically I own them, and I am free to do with them what I wish.  You know?  I think you get it.

Without further ado... here is my husband doing some pull ups without his shirt on.  The only thing that could make these pictures sexier, would be if he had his tool belt on.  Maybe next time (if there is a next time... YIKES)!

This one kind of makes me laugh (the face) but I still like it.

I think that just to make it a little better I should include a picture of me doing a pull up.  That way he won't be so embarrassed.  A HUGE thanks to Makenna for lifting me since I can't actually do a pull up!


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha...That's awesome!!! But now you gave Amy an idea!! Next thing you know, there's going to be a picture of me sitting on the toilet or something on our blog!!! Ha Ha Ha...

Brad and Marci said...

Jed has one of those also and I can successfully do one and that is it. I can honestly say that if I was to post a picture of some of the things we do at home it would not be pull ups.

The Gorringes said...

Nice! Iron Gym would like to thank you for the free advertisement. I am doing pullups as I write this....okay, maybe not.