Today I decided that it is pretty much for sure; I have lost my mind! I haven't quite decided between the following possible issues:
1) I am self-destructive
2) I manage time poorly
3) Insanity
Here is what happened today. Wait, let me start by pointing out somethings that others may not know about me. First, it is three days to Christmas. I have not finished shopping, and I have a very busy next few days. Second, I am home alone, so snow removal falls into my hands right now. Third, I just never know when to quit.
Today I slept in. Why? Because I could I guess. I was really awake in bed, but I wanted to sleep in so badly that I just layed there and faked sleep. I did!
When I finally woke up I checked my email and got really excited because the finished product of the book Song and I wrote had arrived. It is amazing, if I do say so myself. Better than I had ever hoped for. As Song put it, we are bad asses. We are!
I talked on the phone for a while (important things of course), and then decided to run. I figured that I would go about 6 miles because my driveway was completely covered in snow, and I had to shovel it before I could leave the house. I started to run. I tried to stop. 8 miles later I was done, and glanced out the window at the snow and knew I had to shovel. Oh crap!
I decided to do a quick shovel, and not really do all of the driveway. We only use half of it, so why shovel the rest? I started to shovel. It was heavy, but I ended up shoveling it all. Why? I just can't stop. I feel lazy if I do not do it all. Then just as I finished, I looked up and it was covered again. I hate show!
Just then I looked at the garage floor. It was so dirty. So, I decided to spray it out. I didn't think first. I forgot that water freezes. I forgot that I was already cold. I didn't realized that I would get all wet. I forgot water and dirt make mud.
Then, I messed around with some book stuff, and then did the bravest thing of all, hit the stores. When I came home, I saw that my neighbor had brought over this amazing carmel corn. I am in love with it. It brought a tear to my eye (really, I think I cried a little). I ate a lot of it. Enough that I am glad I ran those extra 2 miles. I am not sure how carmel corn in amounts as large as I have consumed affect the body, but I may never poop again, or I may poop a lot. I am scared. I think I have an eating problem. But YUM!
Now, instead of wrapping gifts, or cleaning my house I blog. So, I don't know? I guess I did get a lot done today, just not all of the things I needed to get done. All is good, and the carmel corn is once again calling for me. I will eat, and then sleep. Life's crazy! Or I'm crazy. Not sure.
Yeah, your crazy, we all are really. It's ok. I am so jealous about your run. I have run once since the 1/2!! I SUCK!!
Thanks for the shout out, we really are bad asses, I think we seriously rock, I am so excited.
An ice skating rink would be fun, you just need skates and you have some great entertainment for you and the neighbors. You could even charge a fee and buy a new computer or fix the broken one.
oops. . .your should be you're. From the co-author! DUH!
I'm pretty sure you are crazy because that sounds like me and I am crazy. It's all good though. As along as we are happy right? Hope that you have a very merry Christmas!
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