Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Party.

I know, we are very strange people who do some really weird things.  We just cannot help ourselves.  For some reason, Halloween brings out some craziness in us.  Mostly Steve.  Each year we have a party with the friends in our neighborhood.  Us, along with our friends the Lowrys host the party, and have made it a tradition to dress up as one big group.  Last year we were Hugh Hefner and the girls next door.  Steve was a girl, and took it to the extreme.  He liked it a little too much, so this year I made sure that he was a guy again.  
It was hard to come up with something really good again, especially something that worked for 4 of us.  However, I had the perfect idea.
Now, I know what you are thinking.  Yes, I look very natural that way, and maybe you are wondering where Steve got that cool wig.  Sadly, that is his real hair.  Well, at least what is left of it.  For the last few months he has been growing his hair knowing that I was going to cut it off and make him bald.  Yes, the comb over is weak, but that is my favorite part!  He was hesitant at first, worried that maybe it wouldn't grow back, but with some gentle coaxing he let it happen.  It is not a good look for him.  Not at all.
Tim, you make an ugly woman! Em and I have looked better.  That is for sure!

There were three people that hated Steve's hair so bad that they were almost in tears.  Our kids.  They were all screaming and told him that they would NOT be going in public with him.  Even nice little Carson didn't have any kind words to say.  He just sat in silence.  I told them that this was our new look and that we would need to gather for a family photo.  Just to torture them a little worse (especially Kenna) I told them that we would be using this picture for our Christmas card.  Man, I think that we are a nice lookin family!
I worked all night at being the best polygamist that I could be.  It was hard because I smile a lot, but by the end of the night I had it down.

After the party we decided to take a trip to WalMart, just to see how people would react to us.  Steve and Tim changed into some normal clothes and Emily and I jumped into the back seat.  As we pulled up, Emily said, "Don't look anyone in the eye, we don't deserve it!"  

We got out of the car and right away people were staring at us.  Steve and Tim followed a ways behind with the camera.  As we walked in and got our cart, everyone at the check stands started to look at us.  We started walking.  You know, it is funny because they did to us what I do.  Act like you aren't looking, but you totally are.  We looked down and talked softly, holding back laughter the whole time (and sometimes just busting up).

We headed to the milk and filled out cart with 6 gallons and then got a HUGE ham.  We made a quick loop (until Tim made us put it all back).  People were looking.  It was great.  At one point we bumped into a workers box with our cart and Emily said, "Excuse me brother."  I almost peed my pants.
Then, as we were leaving a real polygamist walked in.  She looked at us and kept walking (phew).  We headed for the exit and as we walked out we saw another one getting out of a minivan FULL of kids.  I guess Tim missed that because he yelled to us (yes the parking lot had people in it) "You girls know that you don't have to live that lifestyle..."  To which I replied, "SCREW YOU!"  Then Steve offered us a ride home.  We got in the back of the car and drove away.  As we drove past the minivan, they all stared.  

So that was that, with a really fun party in the middle.  I am going to make a clip with all of the pictures and post it later this week.


Laurie N' Craig said...

Thanks!!! the party was a blast.. even though it was hard to walk away without the scariest couple prize this year again, we couldnt have had more fun... must have been the brew... Ps dont post ALL the pics if you know what i mean... steve was being quite Promiscuous...

Kara said...

I can't stop laughing!! That is too funny! You come up with the craziest ideas and I love it! Steve's hair looks awesome...and your comb back was awesome!! ha ha makes me laugh thinking about it!

Hilarie said...
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Kim said...

OH MY!! I just had a good laugh. I heard Steve talking about how his new hairdo had something to do with his Halloween Costume. Now it all makes sence!! TO FUNNY that you went to Wally World for some looks!

Walter Family said...

Oh my gosh I'm laughing so hard! You guys are so funny! That's a great costume idea though! I love that you went to Walmart to see reactions too! You guys seriously look for real!

dennisandsong said...

I can't believe he really let you do that to him!! Seriously so funny!!

Brooke Jesus said...

YOUR FREAKS!!! You seriously look real, and it's SCARY!!! Steve is creapy! You better watch your back, Stevie might have another lady in your place in the bedroom tonight! Ha! And Steve does pull off the whole "girl" thing better than Tim. Your costumes from last year still make me laugh!

amelia said...

How freakin' hilarious! I am practically peeing my pants reading all of this! We are SO sad we weren't there! Sabrina & I were both sick with fevers. We had our costumes ready & everything! We'll definitely save them for next year... we'll be there!

Anonymous said...

This is not funny. I suggest you retract this post immediately. Polygomy is a sacred lifestyle for those who chose to live it. My prayers go out to you and your family that you may receive the grace of God in your lives.

-Jonas Jessop