Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Steve came home early on Friday, and we loaded the kids in the car and left for Gardner Village to see all of the witches.

The kids had so much fun.  They loved to look at all of the different witches that they had and had fun talking about how 'NOT scared' of them they were.  When they got brave enough they would even touch them!

It was fun to see all of the creative things that they did.  Every where you looked there were fun decorations.

The kids keep begging me to take them back!

They loved playing in the water and trying to catch fish.  Mom was worried that they would fall in and drowned, and Dad was laughing at Mom for being so paranoid.  He offered to jump in after them if necessary!

I would highly recommend this as a place to take your kids.  It is a blast!


dennisandsong said...

We are going on Friday!! I think the kids will really like it. I am looking forward to it. Your last photo email is what gave me the idea!!