Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well, I did it.  After all of my hard training, the day arrived and I ran the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco.  It seemed like the day would never come, and then the morning of the race it seemed like it had gotten here so quickly.

I found myself at the start line surrounded by 20,000 women (and a few men) watching the clock count down in anticipation.  The weather was perfect.  My body felt good, and I was ready to get going and get it DONE!  I found my pacer and stood by her, not letting her out of my site.  I studied the outfits of the other runners in that group so that I would know who to be looking for should I get lost in the crowd of so many runners.

And before I knew it we were moving.

The day stated out early, still dark when I got up.  I wish that I could say that I woke up after a good nights sleep, but that would be a lie.  Being in San Francisco at night is loud.  For whatever reason, people there feel the need to honk their horns the entire time that they are driving around.  Every time I feel asleep a few horns would wake me up.  Add that to some bad nerves, and I did not get the sleep I needed.

Needless to say, I felt great when I woke up.  I got ready and met Mandy in the hotel lobby and then went and found Amy.

Mandy, Me (eyes always shut) and Amy

As I started to run, I noticed right off that I would be doing everything I could to stay with the pacer.  She was weaving in and out of people and it was hard to stay with her.  People were everywhere and it was work to get anywhere in the crowd.  Somehow I managed to keep with her, and by mile 2 things were much better.  We were cruising, and I felt so great.  I knew that I had some nasty hills ahead, but I was ready, and when they came, I flew up them without any hesitation (OK, so it sucked a little!).

I am that orange blur...

About mile 9 I ran across Steve again.  He started to run with me and had me point out my pacer.  She (lady in the pink hat in front of me) talked to him for a second and and then he ran with me to see if I needed anything.  At that point I was starting to feel it.  The hills seemed to keep coming, even though they were supposed to stop.  He commented, "Man this is a really fast pace!"  It made a little freaked out, but on I trudged..
The hills did not stop.  Around every turn was another hill.  And just when you thought you were to the top, another appeared.  Even with the few downhills, came another hill, and it never ended.  Around mile 12 I was tired.  The pacer got a little in front of me, but I still had her in sight.  Again, Steve started to run with me.  "Where is your pacer?"  I pointed ahead..."up there" I said.  OK, well here comes another group, just stay with them.  I nodded.  Then I watched them pass.  And with that, I was on my own.
From all that I had heard, the last half was flat.  I was very ready for that.  Sadly, it wasn't true.  Hill after hill, after nasty hill.  Even if it wasn't a big hill, it was a steady uphill.  I kept thinking that it was crazy and that it was 100 times the hills I had planned for.

Luckily the aid stations came often, so I was never thirsty.  The bands that I was so excited about, well, they were marching bands and even some bagpipes.  Nothing gets you going like bagpipes!  WOW!  I am not sure who thought that was a good idea.  The few live bands that I saw I didn't even hear, I was too tired to listen.  I did get my chocolate at mile 20, and I shoved it into my pouch for later.

It felt like the race would never end.  The streets were all very sloped, and so I felt like I was running crooked the whole time.  Every muscle in my legs ached, and I wondered if I could take another step.  I wanted to walk so bad, but I didn't.  I wanted to stop so bad, but I didn't.  I just kept on going one step at a time, and soon (what seemed like forever) I was almost there.  My mind was thinking as hard as my body was working....  8 more miles, I know that I can run 8 miles.  6 miles, I can do that, and finally it got to 15 more minutes, I can run for 15 minutes.  

Finally I hit mile 25 and i just gave it all that I had.  I ran as fast and as hard as I could.  I saw the finish line and ran for it.  People were screaming, but all I heard was Steve yell, "Go Brandi, you are doing great, just sprint it out!"  I looked over and saw him standing there holding some flowers for me.  I thought, "Oh, how nice.  Flowers."  And then, it was over.
I thought that I would be so emotional and proud.  So excited to get my Tiffany finisher necklace from the fireman in a tux.  I took the box (didn't even look at the fireman) and took the bag for the box to go in (some lady had to help me get the box into the bag, I couldn't do it) and then wrapped in a blanket and grabbed a drink.  I had zero emotion.  I started to look for Steve.  People were everywhere.  I finally sat on the ground shaking from the cold ocean wind on my wet body.  I was watching for him, but he was no-where.  I borrowed a phone from some guy and called.  He didn't answer, and I didn't leave a message.  DUH!  A few minutes later I borrowed another phone.  One ring and he was there.  

He took me to the stretching station because my legs were on fire.  The sprinting at the end was a bad idea, it hurt.  I got on some dry clothes, and about 20 minutes later (and a few yummy jamba juices later) I said..."Oh, let me see the necklace!"
It was so cute.  I finally came to and was fine.  I think I just needed sugar and warmth!
At this point I started to care again, so I sent Steve to the computers for my results.  4:06!  6 minutes past my goal.  However, considering all of the hills, I was pretty happy.  About mile 13 I changed my goal to 4:10 anyways.  Desperate times!
We met up with the girls and we were all so happy and proud!  It was a great thing to accomplish and I am so glad that I was able to do it.
You can see my results here by entering my name.

I am so grateful to everyone for their support, I DID IT!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I've been waiting all weekend to read about this! I must admit I got a little teary eyed while reading this ( I know, I"m weird) so I can only imagine how YOU feel!! So awesome! I'm officially inspired!

Kim said...

GREAT JOB!!! I could have never done it!!

Hilarie said...

I got tired just reading it. Couldn't imagine actually running it. Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Brandi!! I would collapse after 1/2 a mile!! I'm really impressed!!! Good job!!

Anonymous said...

I know I've already told you this, but that is seriously awesome! I'm very impressed and you inspire me to make more goals for myself! Now, would you take some time off-honestly, I can't keep up with this!!-Heather

Kara said...
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Kara said...

Wow! Congrats!! That is so awesome! It's an inspiration to see how hard you work!! That is great!! One day I'm going to do one of those...maybe not the 25 miles...I'll keep it to like five!

Laurie N' Craig said...

Yes.. ive been waiting to hear how you did... i kept looking down towards your house to see if you were back yet... good job and nice time... heard you ran today.. ur crazy...jk dont tell me you enjoyed it too much i dont want to run anymore : )

Brad and Marci said...

I have been waiting for this post all weekend! Way to go 4:06 is GREAT! Every time I run a 1/2 I think to myself I don't know how I could possibly go another 13 MILES! What an accomplishment and I bet that necklas gets better and better every second. Good luck recovering (only because for a 1/2 marathon it takes me about 3 days!)

dennisandsong said...

I already told you, but I am so impressed. . .You seriously are my hero. SO cool, what an accomplishment!

Hess Fam said...

way to go brandi!! That is so awesome!1 Iam seriously proud of you!!! Nice work!!

The Wells Family said...

good job! that would be so hard...I don't know if I could have done it...Oh and tell steve he was the only masculine man there, (he does have a sense of style though so it could confuse some of the San Francisco men there... it's a toss up)J/k I'm proud of you guys...that was fun. this is mandy's sis rachel by the way

Mandy said...

We did it! You were awesome! I'm so glad we could be there together, even if you left me in the dust! I'm proud of you. I'm walking more normal today, are you? Those darn hills... they were too much.

Taylor Family said...

Shut up! You got a Tiffany's necklace! I would have so done it if I knew that was the prize! HAHA!