Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

It happened.  I got even older!  WOW, his has to stop soon.  But, I did have a great Birthday.  We spent Sunday with my parents, and had dinner and two cakes, yes two cakes.  Old people eat a lot, and they LOVE variety.  It was lots of fun.

Monday, my actual birthday, Steve took the day off of work so that I could have a break and do whatever I wanted.  My day of course started much later then usual, as I slept in.  Then, I got up, did nothing, and then went for a run.  I had a great run.  The weather was perfect, and because I am tapering off for the marathon, it was a short and slow run, which was a welcome change.

Steve got the kids all ready, and fed, and off to school.  About 11 he was in the kitchen wiping things down and he looked at me and said, "I am just cleaning the kitchen for the tenth time today."  It was music to my ears.  "Welcome to MY world!"

After the kids were all in school, Steve took me to lunch and shopping.  He got me the running shoes I have been dreaming of.  I am WAY excited.  He also surprised me with some other running gear, that I am really excited about.

I had requested that they make me dinner.  Steve took the boys shopping (Coren shoplifted some gum.  Steve made him return it.  Carson stayed in the car because he was ashamed.  Carson thought Coren was headed to jail and was sad.  Coren cried.)

They made me the BEST dinner.  The kids were so excited and helped make the whole thing.  I was really impressed.  Steve does NOT cook, so I was pretty anxious to see what he would come up with.  He played it safe and went with a BBQ, which he is really good at.

We had a great day.  I am so lucky to have such a great family to make my birthday so wonderful.

The night ended with a game of pin the tail on the donkey.  Makenna won!


Kara said...

Happy late birthday! I hope you had a good one!

Mandy said...

Way to go Steve! Are you so excited about your new shoes? You have to tell me how they are. I'm glad you had a good birthday, and Steve could take the day off to relieve you. You totally deserve it!

dennisandsong said...

Sounds like a great day!! It is good to have a great birthday when you hit 30 and higher. . .when they start getting in those numbers you never imagined being in you need to try and make it seem great, sounds like your family did a great job of making that happen!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Lady!! I'm glad you had a good day!

Brad and Marci said...

Happy Late Birthday! Way to go to your family the dinner looked great having your husband realize how much we clean just to clean again is fab. For Christmas Brad got me a ton of running gear and I can't think of a better gift.

Kim said...

What a great birthday!! Happy Late B-day to ya!! Hope you've been enjoying your new shoes and goodies!