Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Write me in.

Election Day is drawing near.  I wish that I could say that I am excited or even sure about what the future holds.  As I research the candidates, watch the debates, and sit back and try to make an educated guess as to the worse of the two, I cannot help but be afraid.  Very afraid.

Scary, to say the least.  Experience is lacking, charter is shady, and why does it matter anyways when the promises never seem to be kept.  Votes are given to the one who makes the best promises.  Is that really smart?

This year I have been struggling on where my vote should go.  Should I choose to use it.

We have a candidate who has little experience yet is a great public speaker.  His race would make him different from any other President, very empowering to those whom feel a minority in this country, but is race alone reason enough for victory.  Are we reading between the lines in the speeches?  Do we know where he will lead our country?  Is this CHANGE, a change that we want?

The other candidate is full of experience, and paraded around as a hero.  A lot of people are hero's in their way, but that does not mean that their strength, determination, and long suffering should buy them a seat in the oval office.  Experience on the other hand is priceless, especially when that experience has made the country better and stronger.  Do we know what his choices have done for us?  It is hard to say.  We only see where we are now, and not where we could have been.  While probably the better choice of the two, he is old, and if something should happen to him we would be lead by her.

Her.  Yes, history in the making once more.  Again, scared.  Very scared.

So, with that being said, I would like to announce another option for all of you out there that might be feeling a little nervous.  Worried about the future of this country.  Wanting a leader that will make a difference.  Guaranteed!

This year when you are at the voting booth, make the smart choice...
I understand that all of us are nervous.  The economy is in shambles.  The debt of our country is a number that I have never even heard of.  It is so big that we can't even count that high.  The elected officials of this country are more concerned with bribes and broads than making the world a better place.  Jobs are being lost, homes lost, and our money is bailing people out as a reward for poor choices and bad money management.  

-Both candidates voted for the bailout.  I voted against it.
-No-one will ever try to assassinate me.  Little old me, why would they?
-I am 31, I just ran a marathon, proving that my health is good.  My biggest health concern is zits, so seriously, I should be around for a while.  4 years for sure!  8 if I get re-elected.
-The war in Iraq is going on, I can't change that.  But when it is over, I will for sure be in support of ending it.
-I have tons of experience dealing with terrorists.  I have three that I deal with every day.  I have kept them from doing anything too serious, therefore am confident that I can end this whole terrorist thing.  For good!
-I can balance the budget.  I once had my checkbook totally balanced, and I was also a bank teller.  So, I know that if I try really hard  I can get it under control.  I will stop giving people all of our money, and use it to fix us.  We need it.
-  I will create more jobs.  I already know that if I get elected there will be an opening for a personal chef, personal trainer, personal hair stylist, make-up artist, nanny, someone to drive me around, a maid or two, and that is just the beginning.  Oh, by the way, I will not use tax dollars for this.  I plan to be on a box of Wheaties, and that should give me lots of money to pay these people.  My new servants.
-  Women will all be given free shoes.  
-  Men, your wives will be happy because they have lots of cute shoes.
-  O.J Simpson will go to prison.  We know he did it.  I am sick of hearing about it, let's just put him behind bars where he belongs.
-  As for my Vice-President.  I am not going to have one.  I am a control freak and really don't want anyone telling me what to do or questioning me.  I've got this under control!  Trust me!
-Teachers will be paid more, and stay at home Mom's will get a huge tax write off.
-  Any politicians who meet up with hookers, or men in the men's bathroom, will automatically be forced to be the shoe salesman at the free shoe store.  Then we can all talk about and laugh at them while they put shoes on our stinky feet.  
-  I am also going to throw a huge party at the white house for all of my family and friends, and anyone who votes for me.  It will be potluck, just to avoid any scandals in the media.

I will not let you down.  You can count on me.  Write me in, it will be the best thing you will ever do.


Anonymous said...

True, you might make a good president. But it is a risk to put a Polygamist woman in the White House. So if I'm going to write you in then I'd also like a maid. And a wardrobe budget. I am your family after all, and it will help you look good if I'm looking good.

Mandy said...

I'll totally vote for you!
You make me laugh so hard. I love it! I feel your pain on this too. (Well you know I do, since we're both scared and that's what we talk about) I love that I have another alternative now. I'll start spreading the word...
Brandi for President!
Will you hire me to drive you around?

Anonymous said...

Remember the little people when you're relaxing in the White House spa! We'd like to be on your payroll! Are there any positions with a little less work attached to them? I try to avoid doing all of the things you'll be hiring out... laurie

Kim said...

YEAH!! Brandi for President!! If you don't write yourself in, just vote for the lesser of the two evils!

Rachel said...

haha you are hilarious! You have my vote! I agree with you on all of it! Go Brandi! oh and i love the new opening photo of your family! oh so precious!!