Sunday, May 18, 2008

Crashing the Cannery!

No, this is not some weird Laverne and Shirley re-run, this is Mandy and Brandi and the story of how we crashed the church cannery.

Anyone who knows me well, is probably surprised that I went to the church cannery to stock up on wheat, rice, and other food storage.  It is not my style.  However, lately with the gas prices and food prices going up, as well as all of the natural disasters in the world, I have felt the need to stock pile food.  We will not go hungry!

Our friend Tawnee suggested that Mandy and I go and can us some food, and she would watch all of the kids.  We thought that she was the crazy one and agreed.  Let me first say that neither of us had been to a food cannery and were kind of nervous.  What made us even more uneasy was the fact that you are supposed to have an appointment and we didn't, so we decided to just act like we were supposed to be there.  

We showed up and the first thing they asked is basically if we were supposed to be there.  We acted like blonde's, and next thing we knew we were in!  We got the quick tour and got to canning.  It seemed easy at first, and then we were moving at the speed of light and those bags were HEAVY.  We were on a roll, until we got kicked out... the first time.

They came and made us leave because we were not supposed to be there, and someone that was supposed to be there needed our table.  We were a little sad because we were doing so well, but we started to clean up anyways.

The next thing we knew, there was another empty table, so we though, hey let's go.  We made a huge mistake and decided to can dry milk.  It was horrible.  It got into the air, into our mouths, and all over us.  That smell...  YUCK!  I will never do that again.  Then they came up and were like, "I thought you guys already left."  So, at that point we were kicked out for good.

We gathered the food we had canned and left.  We were tired, hot, hungry, dirty, and needless to say, glad that we do not work in a factory for a living.  It was fun, but I think next time, we will be the ones watching the kids!


Mandy said...

This is not a very flattering picture.
That was fun, but I agree, I'm staying home with the kids.

Mama Snow said...

Only Brandi would break the rules at the cannery! That is so funny. Your blog is seriously the most entertaining blog around.