Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Destructo Girl

Carson's bed had been jumped on one too many times.  It was beyond repair, and I didn't really know what to do with it.  I told Makenna that if she helped me get the broken bed outside, she could destroy it.  She was extremely excited.  Just a few minutes after she got the hammer, the bed was in many pieces and she was beating what was left of it like a mad woman.  It was really funny to watch, and I think that she was able to get any anger out of her system.  


dennisandsong said...

That sounds fun. I need something to destroy to get out maybe not anger per say but definatley frustrations. You go Makenna!!

Hilarie said...

Hey I am so glad that you have a blog.... very cute...
Thanks for going to dinner with us it was a lot of fun.