Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Easily excited.

Today I decided that I am a big loser!  
           Here is why...

-  Whenever I talk to someone about a movie that I want to see they say, "Oh, that movie sucks, don't waste your time!"  Then I watch it, and I always love it.  I find pretty much any movie entertaining.
-  I get really excited about reality t.v.  It is pretty sad when your life is so boring that you get all wrapped up in the lives of complete strangers and find yourself really liking these people and getting attached to them.  They are like the friends I never had. (Ha ha ha)
-  And here is what put me over the edge of loserville.  We just had a new WalMart open and I was SO excited about it.  I went there for the big grand opening, and I found myself smiling when I drove into the parking lot.  I realized I was smiling, so I tried to stop smiling and I couldn't.  Then, they were giving out free hot dogs.  I waited in this big old line to get me and Coren a free hot dog (that ended up being cold) but I was so excited because the hot dog was free.  When we left me and Coren were talking about how it is the nicest WalMart we have ever been to... and that was my light bulb moment.  LOSER!!!  

Speaking of WalMart, I think that it is a problem.  There are so many things at that place that make me crazy.  First, they make me shop there.  I do not want to shop there, but I have no choice.  They put their prices so low that I cannot afford to go anywhere else.  Everytime I go, I swear that it will be the last time.  But, I always go back.  Second, it makes me have to go to the bathroom.  Every time I go to WalMart I have to go so bad.  Not only is it cheap, but apparently, it really gets the bowels moving.  My theory is that the pressure in that place is messed up.  Coren goes at least twice each visit.  We seriously spend a lot of time in their NASTY bathrooms.  Third, the people there are wacky!  If you look around at the people shopping there you will see a wide variety of weirdo's including, child abusers (usually abusing their children right in the store) and my all time favorite, the people buying their new flat screen t.v. with food stamps! 

Just today at WalMart I had the following strange experiences.  First, the girl that was checking me out (not like I was hot checking me out, but scanning my groceries) who was a lovely young girl with her throat tattooed, asked me if I was speaking in English or Bosnian.  I replied that I only know English and she said, "Oh, my husband is from Bosnia and you sounded like you said 'will you get that' in Bosnian."  I reminded her that I only speak English, and she then asked what other languages I speak!?!!??  She also said that she was quitting (today was the first day that they were open) but that is probably a good thing for WalMart.  It was a great conversation, confusing, but funny all at the same time.

Then, I glanced over and noticed two ladies dressed as Disney Princess's greeting the kids.  One was Belle, and one was Cinderella.  This is going to sound rude, but they were the not the cutest girls you have ever seen.  They looked like the Polygamist girls that pass out the samples.   I kept thinking...weird...that just doesn't look right.

Have you ever noticed the kids that are playing 'guitar hero' back in electronics?  They are always SO GOOD.  You know that they have the game at home and play it all day long, and then they come to WalMart and play it too.  Why?  

Then, I am walking to my car and the cart boy (well, OK he was like a 70 year old man) was taking a big stack of carts back into the store.  Next thing you know 4 of the carts break away.  They start to roll towards a car.  He looks at them rolling away, thinks for a second, and then continues walking into the store.  I went to grab the carts, and then realized that Coren would roll away, so I just kept walking.  I didn't even look to see what happened.  At that point I just wanted to leave.

There were many other things that happened, those were just the highlights.  I think I will go back tomorrow.


Allison said...

OK, you just crack me up. You're so funny Brandi. Also, you are so normal. Either that or both of us are losers because that's totally how I think.

dennisandsong said...

The sad thing for me is even WalMart is expensive!! I didn't know you could buy flat screen tvs with food stamps! Maybe I should apply!

Clint and Shari said...

We are all losers! I was all excited to go there with my kids. Did you notice that Cinderella had a huge tattoo on her fore arm? My kids picked that one out yesterday. "When did Cinderella get a tattoo in the movie?"