Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My baby turned 4

I cannot believe that Coren is 4.  It seems like just a short time ago he was born.  A lot has happened between then and now but he continues to grow and surprise us every day.  He is such a cute little guy, and I hope that he let's me call him "my baby" for another year or two!

Coren got a bike and skateboard jump for his birthday.  He was pretty excited to try it out.  He got on his bike, started to peddle, and went right off it.  Honestly is a pretty dumb jump, but he likes it.

He crashed on it a few times, which he wasn't very happy about, but he has gone off it many times since then.  He is pretty good at it.  It is like going over a giant bump, there is no 'catching air' involved, so it is funny to watch.

Makenna went off it too.  She was nervous and very intense, but she did it.  It was really funny.

The game for the night was created by Steve.  Attach bungie cords to the kids and make then run to Brad.  It was NOT a very good game and ended with Makenna's pants ripping and Carson getting smacked by the loose bungie.  Poor guy!



Brad and Marci said...

I think it is only fair to call the youngest baby until you have another. If there is no more on they way than the youngest is will have to live with the "baby" complex. Isn't it nice that the lame, cheap presents still work?

Walter Family said...

I remember when we first moved into our neighborhood he was barely born! I really can't believe how fast time flies. He's such a cutie! Happy birthday, Coren!

Anonymous said...

That kid is a little dare devil. I can never get over how cute his hair is, I love it!
Happy Birthday Coren!!

dennisandsong said...

Sounds like a great party, I am so sad we missed it. Since we are coming down I decided to not mail his present and we will just bring it to give it to him face to face. Remind me to not put Steve in charge of games at any future family parties!!