Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School!

Today was such an eventful day.  It started at 7 a.m. much earlier than our days have ever started, however this is going to be our new routine.  The kids (well all except Coren) were eager to get up and get going.  The first day of school is always such an exciting day for both kids and Mom's.  Makenna was very nervous to start a new school.  She is such a social girl that I new she would have friends by the end of the day, and I was right.
We got to the school and I wanted to walk her inside to make 
sure that she was alright.  They sent everyone into the gym.  It was a crowded and you could see nervous and excited kids all around.  It was fun to see all of the kids dressed in their uniforms. On the drive to school Makenna asked if I thought that anyone would have her same outfit.  She hoped that they wouldn't.  I just laughed.  While standing in the gym I saw about five girls wearing the exact same shirt as she was and one even had her same shirt and same shoes.  Welcome to uniforms!  We got her in the fourth grade line and took off. 

We made it home and started working on getting Carson ready for afternoon Kindergarten.  He was very anxious.  He was so mad that he didn't get to stay when Makenna did.

I was getting him ready and he looked so big, it was weird.  We pulled up to the school.  The big school.  He looked so small standing in front of it.  We went inside and waited outside of his classroom.

I was talking with some of the other Mom's.  One lady seemed older, and I figured that this was her last child starting school.  Another had two small children crying and jumping all over her.  The older lady commented that she might cry and she was going to try to fight back the tears.  I smiled and responded that the only tears that I would cry would be tears of JOY!  The lady with the crying kids quickly agreed.  
They put Carson right to work which was just what he wanted.  When I say work I mean coloring.  You've got to love Kindergarten!  I was hesitant to leave him there but I did it, no tears.  I was just worried that he might not find Makenna, I should have known that she would find him.
When I went to the school to pick them up, Makenna was sitting next to Carson with her arm around him.  She was holding both of their backpacks.  Makenna is Carson's little Mama.  She loves her brothers a lot.  They love her too.

They started to walk towards me and it struck me that they looked like they were straight out of a Gap ad.  My preppy little kids.  I love it!
They made it.  One day down, tons more to go.  It was time to party and let loose for a few minutes.  Our next big thing was about to happen.  Coren's pre-school teacher was coming to evaluate him.
She got to our house and Coren was out riding his bike.  Next thing I knew I couldn't find him.  It was a little embarrassing, but she is really cool so that helped.  Finally I found him curled up on the couch hiding.  I grabbed him and he was laughing really hard.  I guess he decided to hide.  He thinks he is so funny.  I think he was a little nervous too.

He did a great job.  I was surprised by the stuff he knew.  He was Coren being his silly self and just kind of doing his thing, but his teacher Miss Hilary handled him perfectly.  I think she will be the perfect teacher for him.
And, once that was over I was a relieved Mom.  We made it.  Busy day.  Proud Mom.  Cute kids.  Tomorrow, we will do it all over again with the help of a carpool and a little less hype.  And now, we sleep.


Anonymous said...

Big day for you guys! They look cute in their uniforms. Carson looks very grown up!

dennisandsong said...

So fun, so cute! I can't believe how fast they grow, it is crazy! WHere does the time go?

Brooke Jesus said...

You are right about the "tons of days to go", I am so ready to sleep in again....in about 20 years!